Confronting Anxieties

Quote from Jeff Mijo-Burch, CHASI Social Media & Communications Intern: " This elevated level of anxiety, this vague and sometimes unconscious sense of fear that people are feeling in a crowded grocery store or at the thought of returning to a workplace or classroom, is similar to the feeling those of us with anxiety disorders experience for much of our lives." URL links to

To mark Action Anxiety Day, CHASI Social Media and Web Communication Intern Jeff Mijo-Burch is sharing some of his personal experience with anxiety to consider as we prepare for an anxiety-filled transition to a post-pandemic world. Today, June 10, is the first annual Action Anxiety Day. This day, which calls on supporters to spread awareness, … Read more

National Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls

Three faceless Indigenous women in red dresses. A child dances joyfully, an adult is guarded, and an elder is concerned.

For the National Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, CHASI’s graphic design intern Celina Koops shares the following illustration and reflection. It was important for me as an Indigenous woman to mark this day of awareness for missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls. I want my illustration to honour … Read more

Sikh Heritage Month: Meaning, Purpose and a History of Activism

Illustration of protestors supporting farmers, Gur Sikh Temple, and a large sun over rolling hills

As Sikh Heritage Month draws to a close, CHASI and UFV’s South Asian Studies Institute (SASI) collaborated to share reflections from SASI Research Fellow Dr. Inder Mann on the long history of Sikh activism, and how it continues through the present day. In commemorating Sikh Heritage Month in BC and all over Canada, we take … Read more

Celebrating Nowruz

Illustration of two goldfish in a flower-shaped bowl, with the text "happy Nowruz,"

This weekend marks one of the world’s largest celebrations, Nowruz. As we at CHASI wish for a wonderful weekend for all of those celebrating it, we have collaborated once again with Shaheen Shivji, Program Coordinator at UFV’s Peace and Reconciliation Centre (PARC) for a special post on the significance and celebration of Nowruz. Nowruz—“now” meaning … Read more

Choose to Challenge Fatphobia

Illustration of a woman sitting proudly in underwear, showing leg hair, a large body, and stretch marks on her stomach. Text reads #ChooseToChallenge.

March 8 is International Women’s Day. This year the theme #ChoosetoChallenge calls on people worldwide “to challenge inequality, call out bias, question stereotypes, and help forge an inclusive world.” In this spirit, we want to challenge you to consider the way we talk about women’s bodies and body image. While many individuals and organizations will … Read more

Pink Shirt Day & Targeted Violence

Illusstration of a calendar showing February 24 highlighted in pink.

Today is Pink Shirt Day, which encourages “everyone to practice kindness and wear pink to symbolize that [they] do not tolerate bullying.” Reflecting on this admirable annual event, we at CHASI feel that it is increasingly important that our commitment to “being kind” be augmented with our acknowledgement of — and consequently outrage at — … Read more

Moose Hide Campaign Day

Illustration of an Indigenous woman standing standing in front of the silhoutte of a moose. Text reads "silence is not enough. #MooseHideCampaignDay"

Today marks the 10th annual Moose Hide Campaign Day, which moves to end violence against women and children. The campaign specifically targets men and boys, noting that women have typically been left to take the initiative in speaking out against gender-based violence. The movement takes its name from the moose hide pin supporters are asked … Read more