Business Professor takes on the Faculty Micro-Lecture Challenge

Over a dozen faculty members, across campus, participated in UFV’s annual Faculty Micro-Lecture Challenge on February 26. Described as “speed dating for research,” 14 challengers from four faculties – Science, the Arts, Health Sciences, and Professional Studies – took the stage in rapid succession to explain the real-world implications of their research in just 2 … Read more

Witness the Micro-Lecture Challenge – Wed Feb 26

Dr. Mike Ivanof from the School of Business will be among 15 researchers from across the Institution who will be partaking in the Micro-Lecture Challenge. Participants are given two minutes to present their most recent research topics and findings. Dr. Ivanof will be speaking on, “Emerging Trends in Consumption Patterns of Goods and Services”. The … Read more

Seminar Series – Dr. Saeed Rahman

Dr. Saeed Rahman spoke to a large group at Friday’s Seminar Series. Faculty, Staff, Administration, and the BUS 304 – Organizational Theory and Design class attended his lecture on, “Global Climate Change and the Emergence of Multi-Level Governance: The Role of Business, Non-Profit Organizations and Cross-Sector Alliances”. During his presentation, Dr. Rahman emphasized how effective … Read more

Tax Volunteer’s Needed – Community Volunteer Income Tax Program (CVITP)

Are you looking for volunteer experience? Are you an Accounting student? Then this is a great opportunity for you to get involved in your community, gain experience while helping complete tax returns for seniors, new comers, and others. Volunteers will be assisting thousands of people to get the benefits they are entitled to, all while … Read more

Upcoming Seminar Series – Dr. Saeed Rahman – Global Climate Change and the Emergence of Multi-Level Governance

Join the next School of Business Seminar Series Presentation, held on Friday February 14th, 11:30am – 1:00pm in B140 on Abbotsford campus. Dr. Saeed Rahman will be speaking on, “Global Climate Change and the Emergence of Multi-Level Governance: The Role of Business, Non-Profit Organizations and Cross-Sector Alliances”. Abstract: Effective global climate governance entails establishing institutions, … Read more

Ad Standards Scholarship – Open to all Marketing Students

This $1500 scholarship is open to students enrolled in an undergraduate advertising or marketing program at a Canadian university or college. Successful applicants display a commitment to volunteerism, a record of academic excellence, and an interest in pursuing a career in advertising or marketing. To learn more about the application criteria and download the Application Form, … Read more

Business in Europe Field School – Application Deadline & Info Session

Have you always wanted to go abroad, yet could never find the time in your course scheduling? The School of Business is offering a two week European Business Field School to Switzerland and France from May 04-15, 2020. Come learn more about this opportunity on Wednesday January 15th from 11:30am-12:00pm in C2431. Just a reminder … Read more