Jones makes film

Visual Arts assistant professor Melanie Jones has directed an independent film about a young female DJ looking for love. Jones was interviewed about the film by the Vancouver Sun. Read more here.

Cardiac cake for retiring prof

When nursing professor Deborah Larson’s colleagues and students heard she was going to retire, they decided a custom cake was in order. To see the cardiac cake, click here.  

The UFV Presidential Search Committee would like to hear from you

Please fill out the UFV Presidential Search survey, if you haven’t already, and let the search committee know what you think they should look for in potential presidential candidates. Everyone is welcome to participate. The survey will remain open until 4 pm on Wed, Apr 20, 2016. For up-to-date information about the presidential search, … Read more

BCcampus Festival of Learning — June 6-9

The Festival of Learning schedule has an amazing assortment of sessions, workshops, and presentations ranging from Indigenizing Curriculum, Open Pedagogy, and Liberating Structures to Facilitating Learning Online (FLO) and (Education Technology User Group (ETUG) workshops – all under one banner. This testimonial of the Facilitating Learning Online (FLO) workshop should make you want to attend … Read more

UFV in photos — April 4-7

Spring is here, flowers are blossoming, and so is public art, slacklining,  and relaxation on the campus green. The Alumni Association hosted another successful commemorative wine launch on April 7, which was a busy day on the Abbotsford campus, as it also featured student microlectures and research day.

Obituary — Ellen Dixon

Many at UFV will be saddened to hear of the passing of Ellen Dixon, who worked here for 12 years in a number of capacities. She passed away on March 9. Ellen started at UFV March, 1994, as an Auxiliary Learning Assistant in Adult Special Education. From September, 1996–June, 1997  she also worked an additional … Read more

Bio for Shelley Canning

Shelley Canning I am an Associate Professor in Nursing at the University of the Fraser Valley and a member of UFV’s Centre for Education and Research on Aging. I am also a doctoral student in the School of Nursing at UBC where my dissertation research explores issues of engagement, meaning, and quality of life for … Read more

Presidential Search public forums — Mon, April 4

UFV will be holding two public forums for all members of the UFV community to provide feedback to the Presidential Search Committee. Input will be sought on the development of search criteria and recommendations of candidates. These forums will be held on: Mon, April 4 Chilliwack campus at CEP: 10-11 am Aboriginal Gathering Place — … Read more

2016-17 budget forums — video now online

For those unable to attend the budget forums earlier this month, video from both the Abbotsford and Chilliwack forums is now available online. Please visit here to see the presentations by President Mark Evered and Chief Financial Officer Jackie Hogan. For more information, contact Kristi Mansley at 04/22/2016

UFV launches improved New Student Orientation format

UFV’s  Student Life department, in partnership with Academic Advising and UFV International, has unveiled a new format for New Student Orientation (NSO). Students starting at UFV this September will be invited to attend a two-part orientation program. NSO Part I — Start Your Journey will introduce new students and their supporters to UFV’s academic expectations … Read more