Sikh Heritage Museum’s Canada 150 Exhibit Launches with Great Success

Seven months of intense research, curatorial work, design and implementation came to a successful culmination with the Sikh Heritage Museum launching its exhibit (Dis) Enfranchisement 1907-1947: The Forty-Year Struggle for the Vote on Sunday, February 19th. The exhibit launch was attended by an estimated one hundred community members including dignitaries and South Asian pioneer descendants. The speeches … Read more

CICS Advisory Committee Member Visits UFV India

Dr. Malwinder Dhami, long time Indo-Canadian Community Advisory Committee Member and UFV friend and donor visited UFV India and its campus in Chandigarh. Dr. Dhami visited classrooms and students of the program in UFV India and also visited with past UFV President and Vie-Chancellor, Dr. Skip Bassford. Dr. Dhami takes pride in being the first … Read more

Reluctant Rebellions Book Launch and Readings

The Centre for Indo-Canadian Studies was pleased to host a full room of avid readers and fans of Shauna Singh Baldwin on September 29th to celebrate the official launch of Reluctant Rebellions: New and Selected Non-fiction, a collection of speeches and essays by Shauna Singh Baldwin. Published by the CICS, Reluctant Rebellions has been described by … Read more

Sikh Heritage Museum Receives the Award of Merit

The Sikh Heritage Museum, located in the National Historic Site Gur Sikh Temple (the oldest still-standing Sikh Gurdwara in the Western Hemisphere) was recently honoured by the BC Museums Association. The Sikh Heritage Museum received the ‘Award of Merit’ for its exhibit Canadian Sikhs in WWI: A Forgotten Story. The BCMA annual awards recognize institutions and … Read more

Punjabi Intercultural History Project with the CICS and RBCM Complete First Phase

The Royal BC Museum, in partnership with the Centre for Indo Canadian Studies at UFV and through collaboration with regional institutions, completed its first phase of community consultations throughout the province to gather feedback from the Punjabi community, a pioneer group that has made a significant impact on the province’s cultural, economic and social history. … Read more

CICS Sister-Centre in Mumbai Hosts Conference

The CoHaB Indian Diaspora Centre at the Indo Canadian Centre Studies (ICSC) in the University of Mumbai and the Centre for Advances Studies in India (CASII) conducted a Joint International Conference at the University of Mumbai, entitled ‘The Past, Present and Post ‘Diaspora’: New Directions in Diaspora Studies’ in November, 2016. The Conference was inaugurated … Read more

The CICS Publishes New Book By Renowned Author Shauna Singh Baldwin

  The Centre for Indo-Canadian Studies Announces its publication of Reluctant Rebellions: New and Selected Non-fiction by renowned author Shauna Singh Baldwin. The book will be launched at the Centre for Indo-Canadian Studies on Thursday, September 29th at 6pm. Book signing by Shauna will follow. Please Save the Date in your calendars as all are welcome to attend. … Read more