Faculty Development at St. Bede’s College, Shimla

UFV’s MoU with St. Bede’s College in Shimla received a boost when Satwinder Bains, Director of SASI was invited by Principal Sister Beena to speak with students and faculty.

Satwinder presented a seminar to students about learning to learn and the vibrant paradigms of curriculum design. Students were keen to discuss their interest in becoming more engaged with their learning and shifting the emphasis from rote learning to critical thinking. After the discussion with students a seminar with faculty provided great insights in the constraints and restraints of public education in India that is largely focused on theory and the growing demand for a greater impetus on applied learning. Satwinder shared the vision of UFV India and how the campus functions within a cross-cultural context. A visit by St. Bede’s students to the UFV India campus is being planned for a cross-pollination of ideas and thoughts amongst students.