2019 Holiday Sweater Day

Thanks to all of you who participated in our annual Holiday Sweater day on Friday, December 13. It was so fun to see many of our employees decked out so festively for the season! The three sweaters that received the most votes were Holly Zonneveld (Advising), Yvette Fairweather (Research Office), and Emil Fernandes (Conference Services). … Read more

Holiday Sweater Day!

With December fast approaching and all the stress that comes along with preparing for the holidays, I always try to find ways to make our time at work just a little bit more happy at this time of year. Seeing all the departments decorated so festively puts a smile on my face as I walk … Read more

Halloween 2019

Well, another successful UFV Employee Halloween party is in the books! Thanks to everyone for coming out yesterday and showing such amazing spirit! I hope you all enjoyed the pizza, cookies and drinks and had fun checking out your colleagues as they donned their crazy, beautiful, scary or silly costumes. A big thanks goes out … Read more

2019 Holiday Closure

As the holiday season is fast approaching, Human Resources has been asked to clarify the upcoming the seasonal break. We are pleased to confirm that the University will close at 12:00 pm on Tuesday, December 24, 2019 and remain closed until Thursday January 2, 2020. On behalf of the HR team, we hope this helps … Read more


Movember is the leading charity tackling men’s health on a global scale. We care very deeply for our male employees and their health and are hoping to raise awareness to prostate cancer, testicular cancer and mental health & suicide prevention. We are looking for as many of our male employees as possible who would be … Read more

2019 Retirement Dinner

Mark your calendars for Tuesday, November 19, 2019 for UFV’s annual Retirement Dinner being held at the Quality Hotel in Abbotsford. This year we will be recognizing 25 amazing employees who have dedicated a huge amount of their lives to our institution and we couldn’t be more excited to share an evening of celebration with … Read more

Happy Halloween

Halloween is coming and once again Human Resources and the FSA will be co-hosting the ever popular Employee Halloween Party on Thursday, October 31, 2019 on both the Abbotsford Campus (U-House) and the CEP Campus (room 1362) from 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm. This pizza lunch is always a super popular event where a good … Read more

Employee Welcome Back BBQ

It seems like it took summer so long to arrive this year, but now that is has, it’s almost over!  For all you employees that have been around for awhile, you know that the highlight of the season at UFV is our annual Employee Welcome Back BBQ. And for those of you that have recently … Read more