New Faculty Kick Start – Winter 2020

New Faculty Kickstart offered: December 7 – 11, 2020

In December, the Teaching and Learning Centre is hosting New Faculty Kickstart.  This is a week long, online event that is designed for new sessional faculty teaching at UFV.  New Faculty Kickstart helps faculty build connections between each other and with the Teaching and Learning Centre and more importantly build teaching capacity.  Modules that form New Faculty Kickstart include teaching basics where faculty explore Blackboard Learn and the principles of online teaching, pedagogy which builds on concepts of learning outcomes and assessment design, and a module on indigenization and internationalization.  Participants in New Faculty Kickstart also have the opportunity to engage with past participants in our faculty panel.  New Faculty Kickstart is offered twice per year, in August and December.

  • NFKS is requested by invitation only. If you are a new sessional, B-type contract, or LTA, your Department Head will extend an invitation.
  • Designed as a Blackboard course where participants will achieve a Certificate of Completion / Badge for completing the whole course
  • Synchronous and asynchronous sessions
    • ‘Required’ synchronous sessions book-end the course and provide opportunities for attendees to meet each other virtually and build community. This would be run in conjunction with an asynchronous’ get to know you’ activity
    • Synchronous components offered in the evenings to best accommodate schedules (from 5-6pm)
    • Asynchronous modules would be used to introduce concepts traditionally covered in the face to face version. Each module would be about 1.5-2 hours in length to complete.  Some material developed for the micro-courses could be used here.
  • Offer virtual office hours throughout the week at set times to answer questions from ‘students’.

If you have any questions, please contact