UFV science research open house tonight at CEP

If you are interested in attending, contact nicole.klassen@ufv.ca for more information. Thursday, February 27, 2014 4:30-6:00 pm: CEP A Building – Common Area – Tour of technology and research facilities 6:00 -7:30 pm: Presentations and Microlectures [hr] The profile of research in science at UFV is diverse, dynamic–and growing! This peer-reviewed and practically applicable community … Read more

Science Rocks! Looking for Summer Camp Facilitators

Science Rocks! is a series of summer day camps for students in grades 4, 5 and 6, held at UFV, with four weeks in Abbotsford and two more weeks in Chilliwack. We are looking for UFV students who… Have a passion for science, love working with kids, and are excited to bring these two things … Read more

Fraser Valley Regional Science Fair 2014

April 1 – 4, 2014 Held at UFV’s Abbotsford campus, in the Envision Athletic Centre (Building E-South Gym).  (download a map) Science Fairs are held each year in hundreds of elementary and secondary schools around the province. Projects can come in the form of a report, a demonstration or a model. All must follow specific criteria … Read more

GRAD CHECK – planning on graduating soon?

Science Advice Centre Are you on track? If you are in a science program, one of our Science Advisors are available for assistance. Make an appointment: Online Form scienceadvice@ufv.ca 604-557-4060

UFV Turns 40 – Events Planned

April 4, 2014 – Save the Date! UFV holds many events each year, and during 2014/15, the 40th Anniversary theme will be woven into all of them! In addition, plans are underway for events to mark UFV’s actual birthday, April 4, as well as to host a community-wide celebration in the fall of 2014. More … Read more

UFV biology student making connections and a future through co-op program

Taken from UFV Today, January 16 2014.  Original post by Darren McDonald. Students at UFV ‘make’ many things, from dresses to buildings to gourmet concoctions, in programs such as fashion design, carpentry, and culinary arts. But students who enroll in the co-operative education option, including biology major Brandon Wood, also make money and important career … Read more

Undergraduate Conference – Thompson Rivers University

This year it’s TRU hosts the Undergrad Conference, so we’re  inviting TWU, UBCO and UFV students to present posters at our local event. There are no external participants from other faculties – just Science. March 27 – 28, 2014 – Conference January 31  – Applications Due Application Form is now available on the conference website, … Read more

Calling for Research Excellence Award Nominations – 2014

Do you have colleagues who are making an academic impact at UFV through innovative research? Nominate them for UFV’s annual Research Excellence Award! Deadline for nominations is Feb 7, 2014. 2013 Recipient – Noham Weinberg 2012 Recipient – Olav Lian