M.Sc. or Ph.D. position in ecotoxicology to study the effects of neonicitinoid pesticides on salmonids.

QUALIFICATIONS B.Sc. in biology/toxicology or related discipline Demonstrated excellence in academic achievement Excellent oral and written communication skills Experience with animal physiology, comparative endocrinology and molecular biology Training and experience in aqueous environmental chemistry would be an asset Experience in biology/toxicology lab and field research would be an asset Contact for further information or to … Read more

Science Grad School Workshop – Nov. 6

Spread the word! The Faculty of Science and the Science Advice Centre are hosting a FREE graduate school workshop for students in science fields. Guest speakers will discuss their experiences with graduate school and information on how and when to apply will be available. Grad School Workshop Thurs, Nov 6 5:30–7 pm Abby A264 Contact: … Read more

UFV Biology Student, Andrew Alexander, wins Outstanding BSc Thesis Award in Aquatic Toxicology

“Enrichment, isolation, and identification of oil degrading bacteria from the Fraser Valley of British Columbia.” Andrew received the Playle Award at the 41st Aquatic Toxicity Workshop in Ottawa, ON from Sept 28 – Oct. 1, 2014. The very strict criteria makes it a difficult award to be sought, and one is not necessarily given out … Read more

UFV Biology Grads Participated in Canada’s Amazing Race

Congratulations to Sukhi and Jinder Atwal for your amazing achievements participating in this amazing opportunity. ———————- Related Articles: Sept 17, 2014 – CTV ‘The Social’ – Five questions with Sukhi and Jinder Watch full episodes on CTV —- Twitter Feeds: twitter.com/SukhiAtwal2 twitter.com/jinderatwal —- Sept 10, 2014 – Atwal Siblings win another ‘Amazing Race’ leg! TORONTO … Read more

Ernest Kroeker writes book on son’s heart transplant

Taken from UFV Announce, August 25, 2014 Retired biology professor Ernest Kroeker has written a book titled Infinite Resignation: The Art of an Infant Heart Transplant about his family’s experience with the infant heart transplant. Introduction: When the surgeons informed us that our unborn child had a fatal heart condition I was devastated. The only hope they offered was … Read more

Intern with the South African Shark Conservancy

South African Shark Conservancy Committed to research, conservation & sustainability Special discount for the rest of 2014! SASC is a non-profit organisation dedicated to promoting the conservation and sustainable utilisation of marine resources through research, education and outreach. Since its inception in 2007, SASC has developed partnerships with academic and conservation organisations around the globe, … Read more

Outstanding students from Biology take top honors at UFV’s 2014 Convocation.

Nicole Wierks won UFV’s Governor General Silver Medal award ( see her achievements in http://blogs.ufv.ca/blog/2014/06/nicole-wierks/ ). There were several other students who were outstanding in the graduating BSc class of 2014. Dean Lee noted during the third Convocation ceremonies on June 13, 2014, that in this graduating class there were many superb students who had … Read more

UFV salutes long-term employees

Referenced from UFV Today, May 7, 2014 Several groups of long-term employees were honoured recently at celebrations for those marking 10, 20, 25, and 35 years at UFV including many of our Science Faculty and Staff.  Thank you all for your hard work and dedication! (Full list): Carol Konkle, Christine Carter, Cyrus Chaichian, D.J. Sandhu, David … Read more

Interested in Neuroscience?! Summer Employment Opportunity for Students

Considering graduate studies in Neuroscience?  The newly founded Hildebrand lab is seeking enthusiastic students interested in using electrophysiological tools to develop new approaches for pain relief and management. The Hildebrand lab has received external research funding from the Canada Foundation for Innovation, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada and the International Association … Read more