Impressive Enrolment and Instructional Skills Workshop at UFV Chandigarh

(As seen on UFV Announce) Exciting news continues to roll in from UFV’s campus in Chandigarh, India. Celebrating its 9th year, UFV Chandigarh recently announced a record-breaking enrollment of two sections totaling 60 students. Overall, student strength at Chandigarh’s campus has reached a record high of 105 full-time students, with 24 recently arriving in Abbotsford … Read more

Consul General of Canada in Chandigarh, Dr. Rajani Alexander Visits the CICS

The Centre for Indo Canadian Studies and colleagues of the CICS were pleased to welcome the newly appointed Consul General of Canada in Chandigarh, Dr.  Rajani Alexander on May 29th. Dr. Alexander visited the CICS for a morning meeting with  community leaders, students and UFV colleagues including UFV President and Vice-Chancellor Dr. Mark Evered. The … Read more

CICS co-hosts ‘Charting Imperial Itineraries Conference’ 2014

The Centre for Indo Canadian Studies, UFV, in partnership with the University of Victoria, Trent University and the University of British Columbia presented a conference in commemoration of the centennial of the Komagata Maru tragedy. This conference, titled: “Charting Imperial Itineraries 1914-2014: Unmooring the Komagata Maru,” focused on three main themes: The first area was … Read more

CICS Hosts Guests from the University of Mumbai

The Centre for Indo -Canadian Studies was pleased to host Dr. Nilufer Bharucha and Dr Sridhar Rajeshwaran of the University of Mumbai along with their Phd students on May 20th and May 21st. Dr. Bharucha is the Honourary Coordinator of the Indo-Canadian Studies Centre (ICSC) located in the University of Mumbai.  The ICSC was formed by the then BC … Read more

UFV Chandigarh Meeting with Himachal Pradesh University

March 2014 UFV India Associate Director Gurneet Anand and CICS India Chapter Coordinator Sanjeev Singh were invited to a meeting at Himachal Pradesh University (HPU) with the Vice Chancellor Prof. A.D.N. Bajpai and Associates of HPU to further develop the MOU signed between UFV and HPU in November 2014 by Dr Mark Evered of UFV.  … Read more

Dr. Amandeep Sandhu, BC Regional Innovation Chair Lecture

Dr. Amandeep Sandhu, the BC Regional Innovation Chair in Canada-India Business and Economic Development which is housed in the Centre for Indo-Canadian Studies gave his first lecture as part of UFV’s Research Lecture Series. Dr. Sandhu’s lecture, which was hosted by the Office of Research, Engagement and Graduate Studies was titled The Great Economic Transformation of … Read more

UFV Celebrates Its 40th Birthday in Canada and India

(Taken from Anne Russell at UFV Today): The University of the Fraser Valley began its 40th anniversary celebrations in the first week of April. The university, now with campuses and locations in Abbotsford, Chilliwack, Hope, and Mission, as well as Chandigarh, India, was first established as Fraser Valley College, on April 4, 1974. The university celebrated with recognition … Read more