On October 17th, 2013, the Centre for Indo-Canadian Studies at the University of the Fraser Valley organized and hosted Ghadar Centennial Conference 1913 Interpreting Ghadar: Echoes of Voices Past. The academic conference featured 12 presenters in 3 panels each with a unique perspective on the impacts and significance of the Ghadarites of the early 20th century.
The conference program in the morning included the welcome address by Satwinder Kaur Bains, Director of the CICS, an Honourary Chair Address by Dr. Adrienne Chan, Associate Vice-President Research, Engagement and Graduate Studies as well as the President’s address by Dr. Mark Evered, Vice-Chancellor UFV. The Consulate General of India, Vancouver, BC, Shri Ravi Shankar Aisola also addressed the audience.
The morning keynote address was provided by Dr, Hugh Johnston, whose emotional address set the tone and pace for the conference proceedings. The conference was very well attended and there were opportunities for some very engaging and robust conversations. The closing reception began with a welcome address by Dr. Jacqueline Nolte, Dean, College of Arts and ended with some very entertaining and powerful poetry readings.
The University of the Fraser Valley will be publishing a special issue in its research review called Ghadar: 100 Years Later based on the papers presented.