SASI’s Research Assistant, Kiara Dabreo presents at UFV’s Student Research Day

On Thursday, March 28th the Research Office at UFV hosted Student Research Day and showcased projects by Research Students from a variety of disciplines. Kiara Dabreo, Research and Cataloguing Assistant at the South Asian Studies Institute was among the student researchers who shared her research and findings. She presented her ongoing research project with the South Asian Studies Institute titled Mapping the social histories of BC Muslims of South Asian ancestry (1903-2024).

Since September 2023, Kiara has been conducting archival and historical research specifically related to the immigration histories of early South Asian Muslim immigrants and settlers in BC. Her research explores the immigration and community experiences of South Asian Canadian Muslims from the early days of the 20th century to the present day. She studied the various sects of Islam such as the Suni, Shia and Ismaili Muslims, and their communities and histories within the South Asian Canadian diaspora in BC. Her study highlights the historical Muslim Canadian figures in BC from the Ghadar Party such as Husain Rahim, Riasat Ali Khan and Maulana ‘Ubayd Allah Sindhi. In addition to this, her research brings awareness to the racial discrimination faced by Muslims-Canadians particularly following the 9/11 attack.

Kiara described her research as an “enlightening but challenging process” as she explains not many historical or archival records on South Asian Canadians are readily available, especially South Asian Canadian Muslims, making her work on the project very critical and meaningful for the all Canadian communities. As a South Asian Canadian herself, Kiara is dedicated to bringing forward education about the migration journeys and community experiences of South Asian Canadian Muslims. “Their resilience and cultural richness have enriched the province’s diversity by the various different organizations from the Pakistan-Canada Association to the Fiji Islamic Centre,” said Kiara. She calls this project a testament to honour to amplify the voices of Muslim Canadians by preserving their legacies in BC through the project with the South Asian Studies Institute.

The South Asian Studies Institute team is proud of Kiara’s research achievements and ongoing effort to uncover the rich and diverse history, culture, and heritage of the South Asian Canadian Muslim diaspora in BC.