Screening of Rails, Jails and Trolleys at the UFV Chilliwack campus — March 15

Rails, Jails, and Trolleys is a South Asian Studies Institute-produced documentary. The film presents the history and present-day events on India’s decline in agriculture. The film analyzes responses to three agricultural bills passed by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) under Prime Minister Narendra Modi in September 2020. The response to these bills became the ‘largest … Read more

Intersections student conference — call for proposals

The School of Culture, Media, and Society invites submissions for our first annual interdisciplinary UFV student conference on May 12, from 10 am-4 pm. The theme of the conference is “Intersections” referring to where two (or more) ideas, disciplines, or methods meet. There are endless unique and fascinating ways to apply “Intersections” within a dynamic conference setting … Read more

ConnectED 2023 — Teach, Learn, Transform

Teaching and Learning Conference April 27, 2023 The call for proposals deadline has been extended New deadline: Friday, March 17, 2023 Registration opens on Monday, April 3, 2023 This Teaching and Learning event will feature a distinguished panel, microteaching, workshops, World Café, and much more. We hope you will join us!*10awl67*_ga*NjgwMTQyNTAxLjE2NzgzODA4Mzc.*_ga_TTGXF08HS7*MTY3ODM5MjE0NC4yLjAuMTY3ODM5MjE0NC42MC4wLjA. For more information, contact … Read more

New Professional Planning undergraduate degree — find out more — March 16

Meet with a top city planner in Abbotsford and learn about the new planning undergraduate program at UFV. This applied program leads to exciting and meaningful careers in the Fraser Valley and beyond. Thurs, March 16 1 pm Abby A413 For more information, contact Cherie Enns at 03/17/2023

Instructional Skills Workshops (ISW) — May and June

The Instructional Skills Workshop (ISW) is offered to a group of five or six colleagues and is designed to enhance the teaching effectiveness of both new and experienced educators. During the 3½ day workshop, participants design and conduct three “mini-lessons” and receive verbal, written and video feedback from the other participants who have been learners … Read more

UFV Pride Collective board game nights

The UFV Pride Collective is happy to be hosting another round of game nights at Boardwalk Cafe & Games this semester! Every second Friday of the month: March 10, and April 14. While registering for these events is free, Boardwalk requires patrons to pay a $6 cover to be paid per individual before they leave, … Read more

Procrastination Awareness Week (PAW) — March 6-10

Join us for Procrastination Awareness Week activities, March 6-10 As we enter the end of semester crunch, over 20 academic institutions from across Canada are partnering to offer comprehensive procrastination awareness support for students. From March 6 to 10, students are invited to attend remote workshops to learn strategies related to focus and concentration, motivation, … Read more

ConnectED 2023 — Teaching and Learning Conference

UFV Teaching & Learning is excited to host ConnectED 2023 – a day for building connections, engaging in teaching and learning experiences, and creating opportunities for transforming education, one conversation, idea, and action at a time. As bell hooks (2004) reminds us, “the classroom remains the most radical space of possibility in the academy…urging all … Read more

Virtual Pacific Career Fair — March 2

The University of the Fraser Valley is collaborating with Douglas College, Capilano University, and Vancouver Community College to host a joint virtual career fair on March 2, 2023. The Virtual Pacific Career Fair is open to students and alumni across all programs from the four post-secondary institutions. It is intended to enable organizations to fulfill … Read more

Career Closet — March 1-3

Interview season is coming soon! Don’t have the right clothes in your closet? Come check ours! We know it’s tough to wonder if your potential employer might judge you for your shirt instead of your skills. That’s why we created the UFV Career Closet for students! Browse five full clothing racks of gently-used professional clothing … Read more