President’s office seeking nominees for honorary degrees

The President’s office is seeking nominations for the 2017 honorary degrees.  Please see the details of the search procedure noted below.  Thank you for any ideas you may have. University of the Fraser Valley — Honorary Degrees UFV employees, students, alumni and members of the Board of Governors may make nominations for the award of … Read more

UFV in photos — Nov 7-10

UFV welcomed the community to the Student Union Building on Nov 9 at the second annual Town & Gown fundraising dinner. Photos here. As part of International Education Week, students and faculty attended a photo exhibit about last summer’s study tour to Sichuan, China. Photos here. Kinesiology students were on hand on Nov 10 when … Read more

Saudelli is new staff rep on Senate

The call for nominations for staff members to serve the remainder three-year term on Senate has ended. Congratulations to Mary Saudelli from Teaching and Learning, for being acclaimed to serve the remainder staff term on Senate to July 31, 2018. For more information, contact Lisa McMartin at 11/08/2016

Winter/Summer 2017 Academic Calendar

The Winter/Summer 2017 Academic Calendar is now the version available at Please contact Amanda Grimson, Calendar editor, if you notice any issues. For more information, contact Amanda Grimson at 11/19/2016

2017/18 budget forums — video now online

For those unable to attend the budget forums earlier this month, video from both of our Abbotsford and Chilliwack forums, is now available online. Please visit to view the October 2016 presentations by President and Vice-Chancellor Mark Evered and Chief Financial Officer Jackie Hogan. For more information, contact Kristi Mansley at 11/15/2016

Mileage rate increases to 52 cents per km

Effective immediately, the reimbursement rate when claiming mileage has changed to $.52/km. For more information on how to claim mileage, visit Travel and Expense Claims.–expense-claims/mileage–transportation/ For more information, contact Kristi Mansley at 11/30/2016

Commuter Alert – November 2016

Some events at the Abbotsford Entertainment and Sports Centre to be aware of, as they affect traffic and parking congestion on and around campus. Fri, Nov 4 – Marianas Trench Concert: 7:30 pm Wed, Nov 16 – Mamma Mia Musical: 7:30 pm Fri, Nov 18 – Michael W. Smith & Amy Grant Concert: 7 pm … Read more

UFV surpasses $25K United Way campaign goal!

Thank you so much to all supporters of UFV’s United Way campaign. Through your tremendous generosity, we have now raised $26,491, surpassing our $25K goal! Our sincere congratulations to UFV’s Finance team on winning the United Way challenge. Finance has the highest number of donors to this year’s campaign, and will be honored by a … Read more

UFV Focus — a new way of looking at UFV

Here’s a new way of appreciating UFV images and stories: UFV Focus. The online publication shares and showcases images and stories of UFV people such as Roger Friesen, Elaine Malloway, Mike Hildebrand, Alex Reimer, Sukhi Brar, and Reid and Angi Peters. The format of UFV Focus allows for greater appreciation of the photographic work of … Read more

Introducing UFV Now — your new e-news

Welcome to UFV Now — a new take on our weekly e-newsletter, brought to you by University Relations. UFV Now will bring a vibrant “best of UFV” summary to your inbox and will highlight news, events, opportunities, and stories about UFV people. The newsletter will incorporate photos and deliver select stories and announcements. It will … Read more

School stress? Life stress? Come talk about it!

Stressed out? We are here to help! Come talk to a fellow student about whatever is on your mind. The Peer Resource & Leadership Centre (PRLC) has trained student volunteers available for one-on-one peer support sessions on a drop-in basis. Please visit us at the Student Life front desk (S1111) in the Student Union Building … Read more

Academic Integrity, Appeals, and Access to Information

With the separation of the combined University Secretary/Registrar position into two distinct roles, the functions within the Office of Academic Integrity and Appeals will be distributed, as follows: Academic Appeals, Plagiarism and Cheating: the Academic Appeals process will be supported through the Office of the Registrar; this includes information and management of the process, informal … Read more

Municipal Pension Plan — post-retirement benefits

Municipal Pension Plan members who are thinking of retiring should know that group benefits for retired members are changing January 1, 2017. Please see this Member News document. For more information, contact Debbie Dyck at 10/29/2016