UFV Employee Giving campaign — Week 5 prize winner!

Thank you to everyone who attended the annual Employee Giving breakfasts or made a gift to the 2022 UFV Employee Giving campaign in support of the United Way and UFV! Funds raised directly supported the United Way’s programs, which help local youth, seniors, and community, and the UFV Emerging Priorities Fund. Congratulations again to all … Read more

UFV monitoring winter weather — Tues, Nov. 29

Environment Canada has issued a snowfall warning for this afternoon (Tuesday, Nov. 29) and this evening with flurries possibly continuing through mid-day on Wednesday, Nov. 30, 2022. All UFV classes and activities, remote and face-to-face, are anticipated to proceed as scheduled this afternoon and evening. All campuses and centres are scheduled to be OPEN and … Read more

Not Myself Today — workplace mental health resource

Workplace mental health matters. People are talking more openly about mental health and wellness — attitudes are shifting, awareness is growing — but the work we need to do to foster safe, supportive, and mentally healthy spaces is an ongoing effort. Like our physical health, we need to take care of our mental health. And … Read more

The Langar Project — on display at Abbotsford campus library

The Langar Project is a partnership project between the South Asian Studies Institute and UFV Library. The Library is proud to exhibit the project highlighting Langar’s history, spiritual meaning, preparation and protocol specifics. https://libguides.ufv.ca/SouthAsianStudies/Langar_Project For more information, contact Mary-Anne MacDougall at maryanne.macdougall@ufv.ca 11/29/2022

Consultation: revisions to Space Management policy (220) — comments due Dec 21

As part of a six-week consultation, the University Secretariat invites the UFV community to submit collaborative or individual feedback on the revisions to the Space Management (220) policy. Please review the documents on the website below. Please distribute to others in your area, as appropriate. The procedures to this policy are also attached for information. … Read more

Library moving to OpenAthens for Resource Links

What’s happening? On Dec 21, the UFV Library will be moving to a service called OpenAthens. This new service will have users sign in with their UFV single sign-on credentials (same as myUFV, myClass, myFiles, myMail) to provide a more seamless experience when accessing digital library resources (e.g., articles, videos, and eBooks). It also enables … Read more

Health reminders — Fall/Winter 2022

As we approach the end of the Fall term, it’s important to remember we are in the midst of flu season and while we have progressed in the COVID-19 pandemic battle, BC’s health experts indicate influenza and other respiratory illnesses are on the rise. UFV remains committed to maintaining a healthy and safe environment for … Read more

Online timesheet entry system — coming spring 2023!

Financial Services is pleased to announce that Web Time Entry (WTE) for hourly employees is coming in spring 2023. Web Time Entry is an electronic web-based time entry system designed to give UFV’s hourly timesheet employees a better way to report, track and review their hours. Web Time Entry improves accuracy and eliminates loss or … Read more