Extensive power outage on Abbotsford campus June 18

What do I need to know?
On Sunday, June 18, BC Hydro will shut down electrical power to Abbotsford campus Buildings A, B, C, D, E, F, G, K, S and T between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm. Remote desktop access, onsite VoIP phones, and Wi-Fi will not be available on the Abbotsford campus during this time.

BC Hydro is conducting maintenance on high-voltage lines. 

What do I need to do?
Turn off any equipment that could be impacted by a power surge or outage. Remove food from refrigerators prior to the afternoon of Friday, June 16. Please contact UFV Facilities if you have equipment or areas that must have uninterrupted power.

How will UFV’s servers, science labs, and other important services be impacted?
Generators will provide power to essential areas. Key members of UFV’s Response Team will be on standby if back-up systems do not function as intended.

UFV Safety and Security will continue to be available 24 hours a day at 1-855-239-7654.

Contact Campus Planning at facilitiesservicedesk@ufv.ca.