Understanding Self-Regulation: Strategies to return to calm — Oct 29

Self-regulation refers to how quickly and effectively one manages a stressor and then can recover. The ability to self-regulate contributes to overall functioning and well-being. This session explores the foundations of self-regulation in, how to recognize dysregulation, and provides strategies to support return to calm. Facilitator: Christine Slavik Register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/understanding-self-regulation-strategies-to-return-to-calm-tickets-120646391605 10/29/2020 – 01:00 pm – … Read more

Embodying Self-care: Why Mindfulness Matters — Nov 12

This presentation addresses the personal and professional development of self. The process of understanding what mindfulness is begins with firsthand experience. Engaging in mindfulness-based practices gives you the practical opportunity to get to know and explore the landscape of your own being. This includes awareness of your thoughts, emotions and of body sensations. Going further … Read more

Resilience in a Remote World — Oct 28

Resilience in a Remote World This virtual experience explores how to build personal resilience in this unprecedented global situation where we are striving to find new ways to collaborate and contribute to UFV’s success. Levels of stress are sometimes high, changes are often rapid, significant and uncertain leaving many of us feeling overwhelmed. Personal resilience … Read more

How to remain relationally vibrant when working remotely — Nov 26

In response to uncertainties with COVID-19 many employees are being asked to work remotely. There can be benefits and challenges to working away from the familiarity of your work space on campus. This workshop will explore how to remain relationally vibrant when facing distractions, social isolation, interpersonal challenges of working remotely. Facilitator: Christine Slavik Register: … Read more

Breaking the cycle of procrastination workshop: building awareness, compassion, and tools to more effectively engage in learning — Sept 30, Oct 7, Oct 14

Do you deal with procrastination and find yourself avoiding homework? Do you have high standards that get in the way of starting your work? Has the transition to online learning been difficult? Learn better ways to stay engaged with your learning! This workshop is offered by UFV counselling over three weeks and will involve self-reflective … Read more

Incorporating Mindfulness into Your Personal and Professional Life — Oct 15

This session will introduce participants to the concept of mindfulness and how this can be incorporated into their professional and personal lives. The benefits of mindfulness will be shared, along with specific mindfulness-based practices for body scan, yoga and meditation that can be done anywhere, anytime! Resources for continuing a practice will be provided. Facilitator: … Read more

Self-care as Stewardship: Sustaining Wellness through challenge, uncertainty & change — Oct 1

This workshop addresses the needs we all have in relation to the development of self and self-care practices. Excellent self-care needs to be integrated into our lives to be able to sustain a quality of professional functioning over time. We will explore self-care as stewardship, managing personal resources during difficult times, and how to integrate … Read more

Design School Info Night — Sept 23

Hands-on, career-focused + far from ordinary! Graphic and Digital Design programs at the University of the Fraser Valley are forward-thinking, dynamic, and flexible. Come and learn about your options! Choose from a 4-year degree or a 2-year diploma; a graphic design minor or extended minor in any degree; or digital design concentrations in the Bachelor … Read more

Lex̱éywa Art Activism — A Recalling of a Residential School Experience — Sept 23

Zoom Link: https://ufv-ca.zoom.us/j/63933598440?pwd=MDAwZkdRZmNMTDUyNzJCR2dTL28yQT09 The students of Robert Bateman’s Art Activism initiative invite you to witness their current work which visually narrates the life story of Bea Silver; a prominent Elder, educator, leader and residential school survivor. Wed, Sept 23 1-2:30 pm Zoom   For more information, contact Stacy Hulbert at Stacy.hulbert@ufv.ca 09/24/2020