Celebrating a Career Superhero: Dr. Linda Pardy

Celebrating a Career Superhero: Dr. Linda Pardy

Describing Dr. Linda Pardy isn’t easy. Those who have met her can attest to that. After all, how can we describe a career superhero?


Since 2019, Dr. Linda Pardy has been serving the College of Arts as an Associate Dean of Students. During her tenure, she accomplished some incredible feats:

  • Canada Comeback Challenge: Dr. Pardy led 15 student teams and faculty members to participate in this national event, where students delivered brilliant pitches and ideas on tackling real-world problems. This initiative not only showcased the exceptional creativity of our students but also positioned the College of Arts as a leader in innovative education.

  • 1000 + Work-Integrated Learning Experiences: She achieved—and nearly doubled—the goal of 1,000 student work-integrated learning experiences. This monumental accomplishment provided students with hands-on opportunities to apply their academic knowledge in real-world settings, bridging the gap between classroom learning and professional experience.

  • Arts Worx Initiative: Dr. Pardy launched this groundbreaking platform to boost student participation in work-integrated learning activities and connect the local community to some talented Arts minds. Arts Worx has become a vital resource for students, offering a wide array of opportunities to gain invaluable work experience and career opportunities, setting them on a path to success even before they graduate.

  • Practicum Participation: Under her leadership, the number of Arts students participating in practicums significantly increased. Dr. Pardy’s efforts ensured that more students could benefit from immersive, practical experiences that are crucial for their professional development.

Dr. Pardy is known for being an innovator, collaborator, creative thinker, and leader. Her forward-thinking approach and dedication to student success have left a lasting mark on the College of Arts. The students who exit her classroom are more confident, self-assured, and resilient than when they first came in. They are better prepared to face the challenges of the professional world, thanks to the robust career foundation she helped build.

Beyond her professional achievements, Dr. Pardy has been a mentor and inspiration to countless students and colleagues. Her passion for education, coupled with her unwavering commitment to student development, has created a supportive and nurturing environment within the College of Arts.

As Dr. Pardy concludes her term as Associate Dean of Students, we reflect on the deep impact she has made and we are cheering for her on the next chapters of her adventure. And fear not – Although Dr. Pardy is concluding her term as Associate Dean, she will stay within the College of Arts, returning as an Associate Professor and faculty researcher.

From all of us at the College of Arts, we want to express our deepest gratitude for your remarkable work, Dr. Pardy. We hope to continue building on the strong foundation you have created, and we look forward to seeing the continued success of the initiatives you have set in motion.

Thank you, Dr. Pardy, for being a true superhero in our academic community.