OPEN EDUCATION TALKS 2023 – March 1st Information and resources

OPEN EDUCATION TALKS 2023 – “Harnessing the power of students in open education at the University of the Fraser Valley” by Janelle Sztuhar, Ashley McDougall and Claire Hay On Wednesday March 1st 2023, Claire Hay alongside Janelle Sztuhar (UFV Library) and Ashley McDougall (VP External, UFV Student Union Society) presented a lightning talk as part … Read more

Now Hiring SLG Leaders

Have you taken the following courses and are interested in helping other students? The SLG Program is currently hiring leaders for ANTH 102, BIO 111, BUS 145, BUS 249, CHEM 113, CHEM 213, CMNS 125, CIS 190, ECON 100, ECON 101, English (English Major), GEOG 103, MACS 130, MATH 111, MATH 141, PHYS 111, SOCIO … Read more

Faculty Fridays – Drop-In

The TLC Learning Designers have designated some time on Fridays where you can drop-in and ask a Learning Designer questions about your online courses, and/or how to incorporate ed-tools, Blackboard questions, etc. for your teaching practice. Of course, you can still drop-in anytime to get help, or email to schedule appointments. Drop in for … Read more

Culturally Responsive Pedagogy – Community of Practice (8 sessions)

Culturally responsive pedagogy is an approach that challenges deficit perspectives and draws on students strengths to foster success. Join a community of staff and faculty interested in exploring topics, theories and activities related to this approach over 8 1- hour sessions, Sessions will be every two weeks on Mondays, 11:30-12:30 on the following dates with … Read more

Professional Learning Community: Source Use and Citation (5 session series)

Are you looking for new ways to talk about citation in your class? Are you tired of repeating the same academic integrity policies over and over with no results?  Are you using an activity or strategy around source use or academic integrity that you’d like to share?  Join Learning Specialist, Victoria Surtees and Assistant Professor, … Read more

Tech Talk Forum: The Impact of AI-Chat GPT in Higher Ed (Post Event Resources and Strategies)

On Wednesday, January 25th, the Teaching and Learning Centre hosted an Open Forum on the topic of AI and ChatGPT technology. The forum brought together over 60 participants from various disciplines to discuss the impact of ChatGPT on Higher Education and specifically the challenges and possibilities here at UFV. The forum began with an overview … Read more

Institutional Learning Outcomes Revision Project

Under the leadership of the TLC, the ILOs are being updated and revised – it’s been 10 years and a lot has happened! The ILO Revision Committee (ILORC), launched in November 2022, consists of 40 faculty, staff, students, and administrators from across UFV who will be reaching out to faculty councils, committees, networks, and groups … Read more

Community of Practice: Assessment in Post Secondary Education

Teaching and Learning is offering a Community of Practice: Assessment in Post-Secondary Education series through the winter 2023 semester facilitated by Claire Hay, Teaching and Learning Specialist (Curriculum and Assessment). The goal of this community of practice is to explore current ideas around assessment strategies by engaging in evidence-based discussions and the sharing of our … Read more

UFV Launch – Fall 2022 happenings 

UFV Launch is well underway for the 2022-23 academic year.  UFV Launch is a professional learning program for new to UFV faculty that centres dialogue around what it means to be an educator at UFV focusing on excellent learning experiences for students.  Led by Michelle Johnson and Claire Hay, five participants from Computing, Agriculture and … Read more