TLC’s Meet & Greet Scavenger Hunt!

Today, October 2nd, the Teaching and Learning Centre hosted a Meet & Greet in the format of a scavenger hunt. Faculty and staff chatted amongst the TLC team to meet the new members, discover what support is available, and learn about new programs that are available.

If you want to know more about workshops, events, and/or sessions that TLC has to offer, please contact


Sabine Decamp pointing to her name tag smiling, Paul Brammer giving a thumbs up Michelle Andrus selfie photo with other members smiling and giving the peace sign with their hands Awneet explaining the savenger hunt form In-person and remote TLC staff informing faculty Stephen Eide talking and smiling Faculty and TLC staff conversing Anna Griffith standing next to the Changemaker TIPP Fund display Fizza Haider chatting with faculty Soowook Kim waving at the camera while standing in Room G113 Navneet Sidhu sitting at an SLG display