SLG Best Practices

SLG (Supported Learning Groups) leaders share their best practices when supporting students. Harman, an SLG Leader, explains how SLG emphasizes creativity, and how to have fun while learning at UFV.

Headshot of Harman smiling, text on the picture that says "HARMAN."Harman does the Relay Race activity:

  • There are 2 teams where the goal is to answer a multi-step concept.
  • Each team lines up facing the whiteboard, and one member from each team has a marker and runs up to the board to write the first step down, and then runs back and passes the market to the next person in line.
  • The goal is to see how many steps each team can get, and who gets the most steps, or who makes the best answer within that select amount of time.

The multi-step concept can also be switched to include different types of concepts: can be used to answer multiple questions.

To see Harman’s video description, please watch it here on Facebook.