UFV Launch – Fall 2022 happenings 

UFV Launch is well underway for the 2022-23 academic year.  UFV Launch is a professional learning program for new to UFV faculty that centres dialogue around what it means to be an educator at UFV focusing on excellent learning experiences for students.  Led by Michelle Johnson and Claire Hay, five participants from Computing, Agriculture and Electronics have engaged in conversations on a variety of topics.  These topics include Introducing Indigenous Perspectives (facilitated by Lorna Andrews), digital learning tools, active learning, and curriculum development (with guest Michael Batu).  This semester will end with conversations on culturally relevant teaching (with Victoria Surtees), assessment and grading (with Keith Harms) and supporting students (with Anna Griffith).  We appreciate the conversations that are led by our guest facilitators who share their own lived experiences on teaching here at UFV.