Sharing Evaluations

Photo credit: <a href=’’>International students photo created by lookstudio –</a>

The end of the summer semester is just around the corner and with that (potentially) brings instructor evaluations. If you have an on-campus and online course, switching from one to the other can be challenging being that the design, development, and delivery are unique to each modality. Glazier & Harris’s research finds that, “instructors matter more in face-to-face courses, where they can establish personal relations with students, whereas assignment ‘stand in’ for instructors in online class” (2021). In other words, “the instruction is the instructor in an online course” (2021).  Because of this challenge students provide common feedback to instructors. Glazier & Harris’s research uncovered common feedback, which is presented in this Padlet. Have a look at the comments and share a way that you have addressed one or more of these student concerns.

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