Self Studies in Higher Learning


A Series of Brown-Bag Conversations on Teaching & Learning

The Department of Adult Education is initiating the first of what we hope will become an annual, themed series of study groups aimed at broadening and deepening our reflective practices and collegial relations as teachers, educators, and administrators in higher education. This year, the series is focused on our teaching and learning practices.


Over the next two semesters during the 2018-2019 term we will be facilitating several high-interest, high-impact brown bag sessions (11 am – 1 pm) on the fourth Wednesday of each month.

Session Date Topic Facilitator
1 September 26 Integrated Learning Design Seonaigh MacPherson
2 October 24 Teaching Problem Solving Chris Campbell
3 November 28 “21St Century Learning” Amea Wilbur
4 January 23 Assessment Chris Campbell
5 February 27 Trauma-Informed Practice Amea Wilbur
6 March 27 Mindfulness-based Learning Seonaigh MacPherson


We invite interested parties in the Faculty of Professional Studies, in other faculties, and in the wider UFV community to join this multi-disciplinary, multi-perspective exchange of ideas. Each session will include a reading to inform our discussions, including possible books that could be provided. The sessions will be designed to foster open, faculty-initiated exploration and exchanges across disciplines.

Dates:                   4th Wed of the month  (see above)

Time:                    11:00 AM – 1:00 PM

Place:                    C1429    (Nov. 28th – A203B)

Participate: (to register)

If you are interested in participating, please register for all or specific sessions. We will set-up a Blackboard shell for regular participants, so you are welcome to sign-up understanding that you may have to miss a few sessions. Alternatively, you can sign up for one or two specific sessions.

Remote Participation (via Collaborate): Remote participation is an option as we will set-up a Collaborate Session. You are welcome to attend without registering, but to receive the readings or to participate using Collaborate, you will need to register.

For More Information:   OR