Kidd and Wheeler collaborate on print media project

Original Article on UFV Announce – April 24, 2014 Davida Kidd (Visual Arts) and Debbie Wheeler (Biology) recently collaborated on a collograph project. In Davida’s words: “This Cyborg Print Media collograph project was one in which we were challenged to create an insect with a mechanical component.  Additionally, a creative story was to take the place of … Read more

Science students among select UFV STANDOUT leaders

The following have been recognized as outstanding UFV student leaders by THE STANDOUT, UFV’s student and alumni leadership magazine Andrew Alexander (Biology major, Chemistry minor) has been an excellent UFV student ambassador, excelling academically and participating in many events within the Faculty of Science and UFV at-large. He has been a mentor to many … Read more

greenSPEAK Seminar – April 17 – Ozone Air Pollution in the Lower Fraser Valley

ROOM CHANGE:  A259 Time: 3:30 P.M. Date: Thursday, April 17th Place: Abbotsford Campus, B101 ——————————————————————————- Douw G. Steyn B.Sc. University of Cape Town (Physics) (1967) B.Sc.(hons.) University of Cape Town (Physics & Applied Mathematics) (1968) M.Sc. University of Cape Town (Physics) (1970) Ph.D. The University of British Columbia (1980) Post-doctoral Fellow at The University of … Read more

Young scientists acknowledged at Regional Science Fair

Fraser Valley Regional Science fair held at UFV from April 1-4, 2014: An amazing variety of science-based presentations were on display at the Fraser Valley Regional Science Fair. In total, there were 162 projects representing 24 schools from Abbotsford, Langley, Chilliwack, Maple Ridge and Agassiz. In all, 210 students from all levels of schooling participated … Read more

UFV hosts Math Challengers – Pacific Northwest Intramurals

12 April 2014 – 09:00 AM  – Abbotsford Campus The championship round of Math Challengers for the Pacific Northwest was held at UFV on April 12th, 2014 . Competing was BC vs. WA vs. OR. See the results of the competition at Other Links

April 17 – Info Session for London International Youth Science Forum ’14

Date: April 17, 2014 Time: 12:00pm (free pizza) Location: A360 Student Speaker:   Andrew Alexander (2013 UFV Rep at LIYSF) See [hr] Application Deadline – extended to April 25th UFV will send one Science student to London, UK this summer (all expenses paid) to attend LIYSF’14 We are looking for a student enrolled in a science … Read more

Science grads: book your photo session now!

The Faculty of Science and the UFV Alumni Association are pleased to offer you priority booking and the chance to have a graduate portrait of you and your fellow grads framed together and mounted in your faculty.  This single headshot-composite photography opportunity is free! Professional photographers from the Artona Group, the official graduation photographer for … Read more

CIS at B-Sides Security Conference – March 10 & 11, 2014

2014 Vancouver B-Sides Security Conference Members from the CIS faculty and student body attended the B | Sides Vancouver Security Conference on March 10 and 11 2014. More info at Attending this event was an excellent opportunity for students to interact with industry representatives, as well as, acquaint themselves with current trends in digital … Read more

UFV opens Agriculture Centre of Excellence at Canada Education Park

Article taken from UFV Today – April 4, 2014 The University of the Fraser Valley officially opened its Agriculture Centre of Excellence on April 4, 2014, the university’s 40th anniversary. Premier Christy Clark and other dignitaries attended a special ceremony marking the opening (see provincial government news release here). UFV agriculture students will be learning in state-of-the-art facilities at the new … Read more

Science Fair Students showcasing their inventions at UFV – April 1 – 4

Come on down to the Envision Gym to check out the young scientists.  See schedule for public viewings.   April 1 3:30 – 7 registration Students arrive with their projects April 2 8  – noon  Public viewing and optional prejudging 1 – 5   Judging 5- 8pm   Public viewing April 3 9 – 4   Public viewing … Read more