UFV Biology Grads Participated in Canada’s Amazing Race

Congratulations to Sukhi and Jinder Atwal for your amazing achievements participating in this amazing opportunity. ———————- Related Articles: Sept 17, 2014 – CTV ‘The Social’ – Five questions with Sukhi and Jinder Watch full episodes on CTV —- Twitter Feeds: twitter.com/SukhiAtwal2 twitter.com/jinderatwal —- Sept 10, 2014 – Atwal Siblings win another ‘Amazing Race’ leg! TORONTO … Read more

greenSPEAK seminar- Sept 25 – Silvia Grace Borda

Time: 1:00pm (Bring your lunch) Date: Thursday, Sept 25th, 2014 Place: Abbotsford Campus, A225/226 ————————————————————- Sylvia Grace Borda She is an artist working within and around the media of photography and film, exploring and merging their social, technical, and conceptual possibilities. Borda is a pioneer known for creating unconventional or multi-dimensional portraits of her subjects … Read more

Dr. Tim Cooper on Motivating Students

Dr. Cooper’s primary method for motivating students is to show as much enthusiasm for physics as possible. He does this by relating what the students are learning in class to real world situations that the students are familiar with or interested in. In a study published by Scientific American/Nature, it found the more science courses … Read more

Pat Harrison featured in BC Outdoor Recreation report

Profile of an outdoor activist: Pat Harrison – by Dave King Pat Harrison never intended to become an environmental advocate. He was born in Los Angeles and subsequently lived in Wisconsin and Montana. He attended high school and university in Montana. After university, he entered the US Army in 1968 and served as a helicopter … Read more

Science represented in London – LIYSF ’14

2014 London International Youth Science Forum Etienne Dreyer represented Science well at this year’s Forum. Some topics discussed: “Is it ethical to use embryonic when we can now use adult stem cells in research?” “Should scientists specialize earlier or be generalists?” “Is it ethical to induct patients into clinical trials for new drugs when they … Read more

Ernest Kroeker writes book on son’s heart transplant

Taken from UFV Announce, August 25, 2014 Retired biology professor Ernest Kroeker has written a book titled Infinite Resignation: The Art of an Infant Heart Transplant about his family’s experience with the infant heart transplant. Introduction: When the surgeons informed us that our unborn child had a fatal heart condition I was devastated. The only hope they offered was … Read more

UFV Science Student, Loren Muth, a log jam hero

Loren Muth and a friend were at the right place at the right time.  They rescued a young woman in trouble in the fast flowing Vedder River in August 2014. Two young men received certificates of recognition for their heroic rescue efforts on the Vedder River at the City of Chilliwack Council meeting Tuesday. Loren … Read more

Science in London ‒ DAY 15

[two groans and one sigh]. The last night of little sleep was the worst! Besides, it’s not like I have the incentive to get up because of an exciting tour or lecture. There’s no faces to look forward to at the breakfast hall this morning let alone breakfast at all. Of course, the threat of … Read more

Science in London ‒ DAY 14

DAY 13 There is an unspoken awareness that today is our last day together. A Russian breakfast: Next was our participant’s forum where an informal debate is held amongst a selected student panel and the LIYSF body: The three questions discussed were: “Is it ethical to use embryonic when we can now use adult stem … Read more