Talk Feb. 19 – Plenty of Fish = Plenty of data

LDA to Find User Archetypes for Search and Matching: A Talk by Thomas Levi, Senior Data Scientist at Thomas Levi started out with a doctorate in Theoretical Physics and String Theory from the University of Pennsylvania in 2006. His post-doctoral studies in cosmology and string theory, where he wrote 19 papers garnering 700+ citations, took … Read more

Natural Resources Canada’s Science & Technology Internship Program

Funding Now Available!  Natural Resources Canada’s (NRCan) – Science and Technology Internship Program (STIP)  Are you (or do you know of) an organization, business, university or community college that could benefit from funding to support an internship in the area of natural sciences? Do you know a post-secondary graduate who is looking for practical experience … Read more

Math Challengers BC Fraser Valley Regional Competition – Feb. 12

Math Challengers is an inter-school math competition in which students in grades 8 and 9 compete in teams of four or five. Regional competitions are held across BC each year in February, with the top teams from each regional tournament moving on to compete at the annual Provincial comptition in March or April. The Fraser … Read more

Info Session: London International Youth Science Forum

UFV will send one Science student to London, UK summer 2015 (all expenses paid) to attend the annual London International Youth Science Forum (LIYSF) from July 22 to August 5, 2015. LIYSF information can be found at Information Session: January 29 at 1 pm in C1423. Guest speaker Etienne Dryer, last year’s representative for UFV … Read more

SUS Student Tech support referendum – Vote Jan. 25-29

Originally posted by Anne Russell on UFV Announce: “The Student Union Society is running a referendum on student IT tech support from Jan 25 to 29. IT Support Service is proposed by the Student Union Society as a service to provide free repair, diagnostics, and advice on computing devices for students. In addition to providing … Read more

Green Team Meeting – Jan. 27

It time for the Centre for Sustainability’s Winter 2015 Green Team meeting. On the agenda: Planning and promotion of Sweater Week (February 2-5) Planning for more carpooling Updates on our Computers need Sleep campaign and other energy saving initiatives The new garden club Results of the student survey from Fall 2014 (done by Ashleigh, reported … Read more

Volunteer Opportunity to Learn Augmented Reality Technology

The Reach Museum and Gallery is creating an extremely exciting exhibition starting in March 2015. The exhibition will include an augmented reality experience for visitors and ITcredible is about to start the process of setting up the technology. This project requires 2-3 students to join on a volunteer basis. The focus will be on the technology involved in augmented reality, … Read more

New York and Washington DC Field School

Interested in exploring New York and Washington DC with the Biology Department?  We are offering a Field School this Spring and have extended the deadline for applications. Field School Dates – April 24-May 8, 2015 Credits – 8 or 9 (your choice) Trip Costs: $1,000 non-refundable tour deposit due January 23, 2015 $1,550 non-refundable final … Read more