Dean Lucy Lee interviewed by Peruvian newspaper “La Industria”

Dean Lucy Lee interviewed by Peruvian newspaper “La Industria” – Sunday Nov. 15, 2015 This is the third most read and among the oldest newspapers in Peru, established in 1895. The article title when translated reads: “ Research promotes development” The interview was done in August while visiting Peru, and the article appeared on a … Read more

Contra Dancing and Science, what do they have in common?

Article taken from The Chilliwack Progress November 10, 2015  The Chilliwack Barn Dancing organizers, including Valerie Flokstra, a UFV Science Student and Science Rocks Camp Organizer hope to revitalize the fun dance of Contra Dancing in Chilliwack.  It’s similar to barn dancing, but no specific partners are necessary, so it’s great for single people too. … Read more

“Who’s who in Science” featuring Dr. Olav Lian, Physical Geography

Who’s who in Science… Dr. Olav Lian joined UFV’s Geography Department in Spring 2004 and began teaching in January 2005 teaching courses in Physical Geography, a Major option in the Bachelor of Science program. Interview: Personal I was born in Vancouver, and grew up in North Vancouver near Seymour Provincial Park, where I went to … Read more

“Who’s who in Science” featuring Dr. James Bedard, Biology

Who’s who in Science… Dr. James Bedard joined UFV’s Biology Department in Fall 2012. Interview: Where did you grow up? I was born and raised in Winnipeg, MB. Where did you go to school? I completed both undergrad and doctoral studies at the University of Manitoba in the department of Microbiology. What brought you to … Read more

Math & Stats Club presents Dr. Sam Pimentel (TWU) on Data Assimilation

“An Introduction to the Mathematics of Data Assimilation” Guest speaker Dr. Sam Pimentel, Faculty of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of Mathematics (TWU). Wednesday, November 18 Room A 402 4:30 pm Refreshments will be provided. “Data assimilation refers to a group of methods that seek to improve forecast skill by combining available observations with a … Read more

Science Alumni Dr. Mike Hildebrand receives Distinguished Alumni Award

Original Article: UFV Today Blog – Nov. 10. 2015 At UFV, his professors saw his potential and wanted to open his mind to other career possibilities. Dr. Noham Weinberg of the Chemistry department invited him to spend a post-undergrad year conducting research in the UFV science labs. Hildebrand also worked with Dr. Tony Stea of … Read more