Biology students return from the 2019 In Vitro Biology Meeting with awards in hand!

Dr. Lucy Lee, Dean of the Faculty of Science and research students Brenna Hay, Petra Dueck Lee, and Arianne Qanbery attended the In Vitro Biology Conference held in Tampa, Florida this month. This international conference hosted by The Society for In Vitro Biology focused on current trends and cutting edge topics in plant and animal biotechnology and genomic editing.

They networked with other researchers and presented in the interactive poster sessions.


Brenna Hay

Evaluating Potential Genotoxicity of Imidacloprid with Fish Cell Lines

♦ Received SIVB Travel Award




Petra Dueck Lee

Edging Closer to Developing Marine Invertebrate Cell Lines





Arianne Qanbery

Analyzing the Potential Effects of Environmental Changes on Fish Cell Line

♦ Received the SIVB Travel Award and the Joseph F. Morgan Award