The Faculty of Science was honoured to welcome Dr. Gwen Point, UFV Chancellor, respected Stó:lõ leader, mentor, and cultural advisor to speak at our annual Dean’s Seminar Series. Dr. Greg Schlitt, Acting Dean of the Faculty of Science introduced Gwen to the large crowd of 75+ on September 28, 2017.
Her talk was entitled:
Dear Canada as you Celebrate 150: Reflections from a First Nation’s Perspective
All Canadians must know the recent history in Canada. Only then, can we collectively make change for a better future for everyone. ~ Gwen Point
She took us on a journey from the past, sharing stories from her heart while growing up; the struggles she faced as an Aboriginal woman; and struggles she and the Indigenous Peoples continue to face. These stories were heartbreaking and inspirational.
Amidst the challenging reality for Aboriginal people we have an Aboriginal woman recently appointed the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, Aboriginal Lt. Governors appointed, Aboriginal Chancellors of Universities, Aboriginal doctors, lawyers, judges, nurses, teachers, actors, artists, film makes, and many other professionals.
Thank you Dr. Point for sharing your stories. They offer us the opportunity to see each other through new lenses. Learning about the past helps rebuild a bit of that trust that has been destroyed by so much of our history.
[box]WATCH Gwen Point’s Presentation [/box]

READ MORE on Truth and Reconciliation and what we all can do
Be sure to take some time out of your day to visit the Witness Blanket which is on display in the Student Union Building in Evered Hall from September 13 – November 8.
Witness Blanket Hours
Monday to Thursday 10am – 7pm
Fridays 10am – 5pm
Saturdays 11am – 3pm
Sundays (only in October) 1 – 3pm