(T) LIYSF Day 9: Oxford and Friends

EARLY morning today. Holy cow the late nights and early mornings are starting to take their toll. However, this morning was alright, as I was excited for my visit to the Oxford University vaccine lab today. By bus, it takes about 1.5 hours to get to Oxford from South Kensington, so not too long, but long enough for a quick nap. The drive was lovely, I wasn’t conscious for long enough to take a nice photo, but the English country side was beautiful, despite the lack of rocky mountains.

The vaccine lab at Oxford is currently completing clinical trials for novel vaccines to treat meningitis and typhoid. Additionally, they are investigating avenues for treating diseases including malaria, flu and HIV. We toured the lab, learned a bit about the research that they are doing at Oxford and had the opportunity to talk to some of the experts doing the research. The highlight of my day was definitely being able to talk to a pediatrician completing her PhD at Oxford as part of the clinical trial investigating a novel malarial vaccine. She completed medical school in Portugal and specialized while working in the UK. I was thrilled to have the opportunity to talk to a woman in science who was able to complete a medical degree, while having children and completing a PhD. I am inspired by her dedication and commitment, and it gives me hope that my own future can be as successful!

We also had the chance to explore the city of Oxford while we were in the area. The city was gorgeous and consisted mostly of brick buildings and small lane ways. I explored an old market and some of the newer parts of the city with a girl from Finland and wandered through some local shops. We enjoyed the scenery and she told me she just found out she will be taking a semester at sea travelling from San Francisco to Eastern Asia on scholarship! What an amazing experience! I am excited for her and definitely wish I had heard of the program while I was still completing my undergrad.









Once we returned to Imperial, there were auditions held for the International Cabaret. As I do not have a presentable talent, I opted to take the opportunity to meet a friend downtown who coincidentally happened to be in London now too. It was nice to catch up and have a coffee, and I enjoyed seeing a familiar face. The train stations all have different architecture and art. One I came across on my way to meet her caught my eye in particular, as I like the colours.









Am now off to bed! Another day tomorrow, talk soon, T.