(T) LIYSF Day 8: Lecture day

We had specialist lectures first thing in the morning today. Headed out to Queen’s lawn after breakfast to find our group, and before splitting up into groups we heard a lecture from Sir Roy Anderson. He spoke about viruses and epidemics and ways we can study and control these. Post-lecture, we headed to our separate groups. I heard from Dr. Johnathan Green on novel ways for treating autism which I found very interesting! I work with autistic kids as a behaviour interventionist when I am not being a student, so not very often, but the lecture was particularly relevant for me and is something I look forward to applying in my own life.

Sir Roy Anderson speaking of epidemics and viruses







We worked on a presentation for the majority of the rest of the day, where we were tasked to present what we had learned in a creative way. Our group ended up doing a dance and presenting the research as a whole group. Others were very creative and one of my favourites is a group who did a Pokemon Go drama conveying the information they learned about batteries. A really impressive presentation, but all of them were fantastic!






The day concluded with another lecture, this time from Dr. Jason Nurse on cyber security. The lecture was well presented and demonstrated the importance of not necessarily posting less online, but of being aware of what we are posting, and ensuring it is not revealing too much about us. The talk for me, really highlighted how easy it is for people who are looking to gain information, and has inspired me to check on the security settings I keep on my social media accounts moving forward.

Headed off to Oxford right now so I must head off! Talk soon, T.