Dr. Lucy Lee, Dean of the Faculty of Science at UFV returned from the Institute of Biochemistry and Microbiology of the Universidad Austral de Chile (UACh) in Valdivia where she was invited for a week of activities that included a hands on workshop on cell culture.
She presented “Twenty years of research with the trout monocytic cell line RTS-11” at the Interdisciplinary Centre for Aquaculture Research (INCAR) of UACh workshop that included other international guests from Germany and Norway.
Her second seminar was given to the Biochemistry and Microbiology Institute entitled “History, development and use of fish cell lines. Collagen forming fish cell lines and their use“.

Austral University is one of the leading Chilean universities in teaching and research. It is strong in the agricultural area as it meets the needs of their region which in many ways is similar to UFV. Their campus further houses a medical and veterinarian school.