Info Session: London International Youth Science Forum

UFV will send one Science student to London, UK summer 2015 (all expenses paid) to attend the annual London International Youth Science Forum (LIYSF) from July 22 to August 5, 2015. LIYSF information can be found at

Information Session: January 29 at 1 pm in C1423.

Application Information:

We are looking for a student enrolled in a science program at UFV, who is not only academically outstanding, but also has great leadership and communication skills, to represent UFV at the London International Youth Science Forum July 22th to August 5th, 2015

To qualify for the Selection Process, you must:

  • be aged 17 to 21
  • Submit a portfolio, consisting of:
  • Resume and cover letter stating why you qualify for this
  • Your vision of where Science or Technology will make the biggest contribution to the future (short essay, video or other visual presentation)
  • 2 letters of reference from faculty who can speak to your ability & accomplishments as a science student and why you would be a good representative for UFV at the Forum

Shortlisted candidates will make a presentation to the selection panel on a research interest in late February or early March. Presentations will be open to any interested students and faculty.

EXTENDED APPLICATION DEADLINE: February 16, 2015  –  please submit your interest in participation to the office of the Dean, Faculty of Science at


LIYSF 2015 Poster Etienne's talk