CHASI team shares research at Pacific Sociological Association

Photo of the 12 members of the CHASI team on stage posing for a photo. Dr. Martha Dow holds an award certificate. Four people are wearing CHASI-branded sweatshirts, and all have conference name badges on.

The Community Health and Social Innovation Hub (CHASI) had the privilege of attending the 95th Pacific Sociological Association (PSA) Conference in San Diego, California, from March 21–24, 2024. CHASI’s team of faculty, students, and staff was well represented, with 12 members of the team in attendance, and most giving presentations. The conference was an excellent … Read more

Dr. Carin Bondar: Living in a Post-Truth Society — identifying misinformation online

Photo of Dr. Carin Bondar presenting on stage. The screen shows a slide which reads "Navigating in a post-truth society: tips to decipher fact vs fiction online. Dr. Carin Bondar, Science Communication, UFV." A large graphic shows the letters FA, with the second half of the word as both CT (spelling fact) and KE (spelling fake).

Presented by the Rotary Club of Abbotsford Sumas and UFV’s Community Health and Social Innovation Hub, Exploring Equity is a series of conversations around advancing equity in our community. On November 30, 2023, Dr. Carin Bondar, presented a talk titled Living in a Post-Truth Society — tips and techniques to identify misinformation online. That presentation … Read more