Exploring Resiliency at the Semá:th Emergency Preparedness Fair

Photo of CHASI's table at the event. It is on a large grassy field, in the shade of a tent. CHASI student research assistant Chloe Raible stands behind the table, smiling at the camera. On the table are posters with post-it notes stuck to them (described in the other photos). A large standing banner behind Chloe shows CHASI's website, ufv.ca/chasi, and the phrase "turning knowledge into action."

CHASI had the privilege of hosting a table at Sumas First Nation (Semá:th)’s Emergency Preparedness Fair on Friday, May 10th. We were excited to be a part of this fun and engaging afternoon alongside other organizations working in the emergency response and recovery space. Thank you to everyone who stopped by our table to chat, … Read more

After the Flood: Community Response & Recovery

Cover for the report "After the Flood: Community Response and Recovery" which shows an aerial photo of brownish floodwaters covering land in Abbotsford, with a mountain in the distance.

The Community Health and Social Innovation Hub (CHASI), in partnership with Archway Community Services, is pleased to present “After the Flood: Community Response and Recovery.” Using the diverse experiences of community members, the report discusses some of the key challenges people faced during and after the flood. Additionally, the report provides recommendations to strengthen the … Read more