Visual Arts international student takes top prize in national competition

Sidi Chen, a second-year international student from China studying in UFV’s Visual Arts department, has been awarded the top prize in the painting category of the Colleges and Institutes Canada (CICan) Art Showcase 2016. Sidi was made aware of the CICan opportunity by Visual Arts professors Melanie Jones and Chris Friesen. He decided to enter … Read more

UFV in photos and stories — April 25-May 1 — what a week!

Most of the students are done exams, but campus was still a-buzz with activity last week as several arts-based programs held their year-end shows. Fashion Design was up first on April 27, with its Absolute Style show (photos here and here). Theatre launched its Emerging Directors festival on April 28 (photos here) and welcomed 2015 … Read more

Presidential Search public forums — Mon, April 4

UFV will be holding two public forums for all members of the UFV community to provide feedback to the Presidential Search Committee. Input will be sought on the development of search criteria and recommendations of candidates. These forums will be held on: Mon, April 4 Chilliwack campus at CEP: 10-11 am Aboriginal Gathering Place — … Read more

UFV launches improved New Student Orientation format

UFV’s  Student Life department, in partnership with Academic Advising and UFV International, has unveiled a new format for New Student Orientation (NSO). Students starting at UFV this September will be invited to attend a two-part orientation program. NSO Part I — Start Your Journey will introduce new students and their supporters to UFV’s academic expectations … Read more

Presidential Search Forums and online survey

On Monday, April 4 UFV will be holding two public forums for all members of the UFV community to provide feedback to the Presidential Search Committee. Input will be sought on the development of search criteria and recommendations of candidates. These forums will be held on: Monday, April 4 Chilliwack campus at CEP:     10 … Read more

Rights of Indigenous Children in Care — National Indigenous Rights Education Day — Mar 17

Every year around the birthday of the late George Manuel, UFV hosts an annual event to bring awareness to the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. This year we are focusing on the rights of Indigenous children in care with Guest Speaker Grand Chief Stewart Phillip. This is timely given the Truth and Reconciliation Commission call to … Read more

UFV in photos — February 2016

UFV is a-buzz with activity. Just before reading break, the UFV Library and Indigenous Affairs office hosted an Aboriginal storytelling day at the Chilliwack campus. See photos here.The School of Business hosted a popular finance networking breakfast recently. See photos here. UFV students from Africa ran a Celebrating African Culture event in honour of Black … Read more

Festival of Learning — June 6-9

The Festival of Learning ( is a celebration of teaching and learning in post-secondary education. It is an unprecedented collaboration of existing groups and annual events hosted together during an exciting four-day festival experience. Educators, leaders and professional staff involved in teaching and learning in BC higher education will find a variety of opportunities to … Read more

School of Business Study Abroad info session brings experience to life for interested students

The School of Business held a Study Abroad info session recently, where students from first to fourth year came to eat some pizza, hear some stories, and learn about what study abroad options are available for business students. We heard from returning study abroad students, and had a visiting student also speak. Gary is a … Read more

2016 grads can book their photo session now!

Please share with your studens: 2016 grads can book their photo session now! Professional photographers from Artona Group, the official graduation photographer for UFV, will be on the Abbotsford and Chilliwack CEP campus in March for graduate portrait sessions ($15 sitting fee). March 1–14 — Abbotsford campus Artona Mobile Studio — Mobile Studio located in … Read more

UFV School of Business hosts Ch’nook Cousins workshop

The Ch’nook Cousins workshop held on Tues, Dec 8, was a great success for the UFV School of Business. The UFV School of Business, along with 24 other institutions in British Columbia, have taken part in the Ch’nook Indigenous Business Education program, an initiative that “promotes and encourages business participation for aboriginals in their area.” … Read more

Evered visits Hope Centre

UFV President Mark Evered and his executive assistant Jill Smith visited the Hope Centre for the afternoon recently. Centre coordinator Michelle Vandepol organized a Christmas cookie social. She reports that the president visited with each student personally, asking about their courses and goals. Vandepol has recently created a list letting people know what the Hope … Read more