Raabe lectures in China

Associate professor of philosophy Peter Raabe was one of several invited facilitators at a four-day international philosophical counselling workshop in China’s capital city. On August 11 he presented a lecture followed by a day-long workshop at the Center for International Academic Exchange of Beijing Normal University. The event, titled “Let Philosophy Inspire Life,” was sponsored … Read more

Tips on applying for grad school scholarships — Sept 26

Apply for a scholarship for Graduate School The research office is hosting a workshop for students who plan to apply for NSERC, SSHRC & CIHR scholarships for graduate school. Brad Whittaker, Director of Research Services, will give a presentation, go through an application step by step, and answer any questions. Wed, Sept 26 Abby A203b … Read more

UFV-SUS Food Bank now open

The UFV-SUS Food Bank addresses food insecurity amongst members of our UFV community by providing nutritious food and promoting healthy eating, in an accessible, inclusive, respectful and sustainable manner. We serve all registered UFV students and their families through a partnership program between Student Life and the UFV Student Union Society. UFV students, staff, and … Read more

Financial Aid & awards tips for September

Financial Aid and Awards Tips for September Be sure to pay all of your fees before the September 18 deadline — penalties will be applied if fees are not paid in full. If you’re experiencing delays with government student loan funding, please contact Financial Aid and Awards right away. September 15–October 31: Look for UFV’s … Read more

UFV Orientation strategic plan open house — Sept 20 (Chwk)

UFV faculty, staff, and administration are invited to provide their feedback on a draft institutional Orientation strategic plan. Drop by for coffee and cookies and learn more about UFV’s plans for New Student Orientation. http://www.ufv.ca/nso/osp Thurs, Sept 20 11:30 am-1:30 pm Chwk A Building Atrium Or, provide feedback online: http://www.ufv.ca/nso/osp For more information, contact Belinda … Read more

Instructional Skills Workshop (ISW) — Oct 15-18

The Instructional Skills Workshop (ISW) is offered to a group of four to six colleagues and is designed to enhance the teaching effectiveness of both new and experienced educators. During the 3 ½ day workshop, participants design and conduct three “mini-lessons” and receive verbal, written and video feedback from the other participants who have been … Read more

Cities for Children panel discussion — Sept 12

Cities for Children will be a panel discussion on urban planning for children, refugees and groups at risk. There will be a question period and networking opportunity for staff and students alike. What makes this so special is our panel of distinguished professionals, such as Meseret Belachew from Aga Kahn University in Kenya, city planners … Read more

United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples – UFV employee 30-minute challenge

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action repeats over and over the need for all of us to know and understand the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP). Do you? It took nearly 10 years for Canada, the final official objector, to sign on to the UNDRIP – but on May … Read more

Career opportunities — Sept 4

Keep up with career opportunities at UFV by checking out the UFV Career Opportunities website. Current positions include: 2018.182 – Officer, Accounts Receivable 2018.183 – Clerk, Admissions 2018.184 – Assistant, Admissions https://ufv.ca/careers/ For more information, contact Mark Pearson at mark.pearson@ufv.ca 09/06/2018

Financial Aid & Awards tips for September

Be sure to pay all of your fees before the Tues, Sept 18 deadline — penalties will be applied if fees are not paid in full. If you’re experiencing delays with government student loan funding, please contact Financial Aid and Awards right away. When you receive your Master Student Loan Agreement, promptly take it to … Read more