Digital Drop-In with Dugg — Sept 10

Talk tech with Learning Designer, Dugg Steary Thursday, September 10, at 10am Looking for ideas on the purposeful integration of tools and technology into your teaching? Register, receive the link to his virtual office and join. INFO/REGISTER – – For more information, contact Leah Lyon at 09/10/2020

MicroCourses — Online Teaching Fundamentals — September schedule

MicroCourse – Online Teaching Fundamentals The Teaching and Learning Centre is offering an ongoing MicroCourse series of workshops (essential Blackboard tools for online courses), with synchronous sessions for each MicroCourse scheduled weekly. The primary objective of these MicroCourses is the pedagogy behind the tools and how they can be used to: *achieve learning objectives *promote … Read more

MicroCourse 6 — Synchronous Teaching — Sept 10

MicroCourse 6 – Online Teaching Fundamentals – Synchronous Teaching This course is designed to help prepare you to teach online in real-time (synchronously). We will explore how the instructor can prepare for success, flip the virtual classroom, and engage students during live sessions. To demonstrate the techniques and objectives, this course will be delivered live … Read more

MicroCourse 6 — Synchronous Teaching — Sept 10

Synchronous Teaching This course is designed to help prepare you to teach online in real-time (synchronously). We will explore how the instructor can prepare for success, flip the virtual classroom, and engage students during live sessions. To demonstrate the techniques and objectives, this course will be delivered live / real-time (synchronously) during the scheduled time. … Read more

MicroCourse 7 — Inclusivity Online — Sept 24

MicroCourse 7 – Online Teaching Fundamentals – Inclusivity Online International and Indigenous student profiles, access, and participation Date(s): Thursday, September 24 from 2 – 3 pm Facilitators: Lorna Andrews, Teaching and Learning Specialist, Indigenization These series of MicroCourses will introduce the essential Blackboard tools, but the primary objective of these MicroCourses is the pedagogy behind … Read more

MicroCourse 5 — Course Videos — Sept 10

MicroCourse 5 – Online Teaching Fundamentals – Course Videos This MicroCourse will cover Intro to Kaltura Capture, Using your phone to record, Effective video practices for online learning (UDL, Territory Acknowledgement). Date(s): Thurs, Sept 10 from 11 – 12pm Facilitator: Robin Pittman, Media Developer These series of MicroCourses will introduce the essential Blackboard tools, but … Read more

MicroCourse 8 — Managing Your Online Course — Sept 14

MicroCourse 8 – Online Teaching Fundamentals – Managing Your Online Course This micro-course will cover best practices for planning and managing your online course and tips for workload management, building community and student engagement. Date(s): Monday, September 14 from 11am – 12pm Facilitator: Claire Hay, Teaching and Learning Specialist This course is part of the … Read more

MicroCourse 3 — Assessments — Sept 17

MicroCourse 3 — Online Teaching Fundamentals – Assessments This MicroCourse will cover assessment options and tools in Blackboard Date(s): Thurs, Sept 17 from 2-3 pm Facilitator: Michelle Johnson – Educational Developer, and Claire Hay – Teaching and Learning Specialist These series of MicroCourses will introduce the essential Blackboard tools, but the primary objective of these … Read more

WeVu — Wed, Sept 9

What is a WeVu Webinar? A platform that can host videos made by students and faculty. WeVu allows video annotations and time-stamped feedback. An easy to use tool where students and instructors can comment inline with a video. – – For more information, contact Leah Lyon at 09/09/2020

Blackboard Ally Workshop — Sept 11

Blackboard Ally is making course content accessible. Blackboard Ally is an accessibility application that works with Blackboard to help ensure that your digital course content is accessible by learners. Ally provides course content in accessible formats, including electronic braille and audio files. Workshop: Fri, Sept 11 from 11 am-12 pm For more information, … Read more

Zoom Workshop — Sept 8

Zoom is a great online meeting app! Zoom is an alternative to Collaborate Ultra. With more participants’ video feeds and stability, Zoom is a great for meeting your students out of Blackboard. However, Zoom needs installation of an app. Workshop: Tues, Sept 8 from 2-3 pm For more information, contact Leah Lyon at … Read more

MicroCourse 4 — Create a Compelling Discussion Forum — Sept 10

MicroCourse 4 – Online Teaching Fundamentals – Discussion Forum This MicroCourse will cover student-led discussions, self and peer assessment, grading and assessing student activity Date(s): Thursday, September 10 from 10 – 11 am Facilitator: Ken Harmel, Learning Designer These series of MicroCourses will introduce the essential Blackboard tools, but the primary objective of these MicroCourses … Read more

MicroCourse 1 — Course Organization (Blackboard Essentials) — Sept 22

MicroCourse 1 – Online Teaching Fundamentals – Course Organization (Blackboard Essentials) This MicroCourse will cover basic community building, navigation, and assessment tools Tues, Sept 22 11 am-12 pm Facilitator: Michelle Johnson, Educational Developer These series of MicroCourses will introduce the essential Blackboard tools, but the primary objective of these MicroCourses is the pedagogy behind the … Read more

Virtual Book Club with The Reach — “How to Do Nothing: Resisting the Attention Economy”

Explore the countercultural art of slowing down and nurturing your imagination. Join artist and UFV professor Aimée Henny Brown for a virtual discussion of Jenny Odell’s book ‘How to Do Nothing: Resisting the Attention Economy’. These informal discussions will consider our current experience of being “isolated in-place” and will challenge and explore ideas of productivity, … Read more