Childrens’ outfits needed for art installation in honour of children at residential schools

Ey swayel. History 396, taught by Geoffrey Carr, and the Indigenous Affairs Office are asking help from the UFV community. Art Installation (name TBA) Scope: Installation of Children’s outfits Sizes 7–12 on UFV Abbotsford campus (indoors and outside). The outfits will represent the children from Indian Residential Schools in Canada. Installation day will be Tues, … Read more

Perceptions of elder maltreatment research study — survey participants needed

Study Title: Perceptions of Elder Maltreatment Dr. Lesley Jessiman, Dr. Andrea Hughes, and student research assistant Hope Buchanan from UFV’s Centre for Education and Research in Aging (CERA) are conducting a study to examine people’s knowledge and understanding of elder maltreatment. We wish to better understand what older and younger adults currently know about elder … Read more

Critical timelines for fiscal year ending March 31, 2022

To ensure the timely and accurate capture off all revenues and expenses for the current fiscal year in UFV’s financial statements, please forward the following information to Financial Services within the deadlines set out below: –EXPENSE CLAIMS – All outstanding expense claims for your department for the 2021/22 fiscal year are to be received by … Read more

Lunar New Year

A message from Sundeep Hans, UFV Director of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Happy Lunar New Year friends! Today marks the beginning of the first new moon of the lunar calendar year. Lunar New Year is celebrated annually as a festival lasting for fifteen days. It is considered one of the most important holidays of the … Read more

2021/2022 Fiscal Year — Health Spending & Training and Development — Due by March 31st

Permanent employees who are eligible for the Health Spending Account and/or the Training and Development Allowance must submit claims for the 2021/22 fiscal by March 31, 2022. The claim forms for Health Spending Account and Training and Development expenses can be found on the UFV HR website: and account balances can be viewed by … Read more

Research assistant story – Ishpreet Anand

Born and raised in Chandigarh, Ishpreet Anand began his Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) degree at UFV India. Two years later, he traveled to UFV Abbotsford as an international student to continue his educational journey. When Ishpreet arrived on campus, he immediately connected with SASI (South Asian Studies Institute) where he was provided with an … Read more

CERA leading initiative to age-friendly university status

UFV’s Centre for Education and Research on Ageing (CERA) is currently leading an initiative to achieve Age-Friendly University (AFU) status. The AFU designation and movement emerged from the World Health Organization call for global efforts to better needs of a growing older population and address the negative impacts of ageism. In response, Dublin City University … Read more

EFCIE innovation grant deadline: Jan 31

During a course project, it’s not uncommon for a student to propose a solution to a problem facing society — a solution that the instructor may affirm as promising and worth exploring further. The Esposito Family Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (EFCIE) supports the development and refinement of such solutions through innovation grants. EFCIE innovation … Read more

Share UFV career opportunities on your social media

As a UFV employee, if you have a social media account on LinkedIn, Twitter and/or Facebook, please consider sharing posted UFV career opportunities to your network of colleagues, clients, customers and friends to help spread the word, drive applicants to and fill vacancies with great new hires! For more information, contact Debra Fehr … Read more

Risk & Safety department launches new service management tool.

The Risk & Safety department will join Information Technology Services in using TeamDynamix as its service management tool. The first phase of Risk & Safety’s deployment, which went live September 1, replaces many PDFs and MachForms with the new TeamDynamix ticketing system. For more information, contact Mary Miller at 02/08/2022

Your input matters — Strategic Enrolment Management plan survey now open

UFV is developing a new Strategic Enrolment Management (SEM) plan that supports the implementation of IYAQÁWTXW: House of Transformation, UFV’s integrated strategic plan. You can view a brief outline of SEM and the engagement process here.  As part of our consultation process, we are inviting all members of UFV’s internal community and other UFV supporters … Read more