Garden care opportunity at the Shakespeare Reconciliation Garden — June 28

Hello Everyone, you are invited to join us in the Shakespeare Reconciliation Garden at the Chilliwack campus at Canada Education Park on Wed, June 28, 2:30-4:30 pm, for garden care and conversation. Please dress for the weather and bring your water bottle. Please bring your garden tools and gloves if you have them — we … Read more

Summer Sports Showdown — July 5

Join SUS, UFV International, UFV Campus Rec and La:lem te Baker for an unforgettable Summer Sports Showdown on July 5! Enjoy friendly competition, building connections, prizes, and lots of fun! Get ready to engage in various exciting challenges, including capture the flag, spoon race, socks & bucket, line of water, obstacle course, giant “beer pong”, … Read more

After the Flood: Community Response & Recovery

The Community Health and Social Innovation Hub (CHASI), in partnership with Archway Community Services, has released “After the Flood: Community Response and Recovery.” Using the diverse experiences of community members, the report discusses some of the key challenges people faced during and after the flood. Additionally, the report provides recommendations to strengthen the response to … Read more

The UFV School of Creative Arts says goodbye to Heather Davis-Fisch and welcomes a new director

Heather Davis-Fisch will be leaving UFV at the end of June to take up the position of Dean of Fine Arts at the University of Lethbridge. Her presence and leadership will be greatly missed among the students and the UFV community. Heather has been the director of SoCA since its formation in 2019 and has … Read more

Painting event for students — June 7

Student Life Lounge is hosting a free painting event open to all students. Explore a new hobby and have fun with peers. All supplies & snacks will be provided! RSVP through this link: Tues, June 7 1-3 pm Abbotsford Campus, Student Life Lounge room S1111 For more information, contact Arsh Waring at 06/07/2023

UFV GDD Portfolio and Info Night — August 2023

Graphic designers are visual and critical thinkers, collaborators, and agents of change. They create value for businesses, bring empathy to social issues, and make the complex clear through smart visual solutions. UFV’s Graphic + Digital Design (GDD) programs respond to the fast-paced creative industry with a current and flexible curriculum that provides a foundation in … Read more

Senate Policy revisions — English Language Requirement and Course Repeat policies

As part of a five-week consultation, the University Secretariat invites the UFV community to submit collaborative or individual feedback on the revisions to the English Language Requirement (99) policy and the Course Repeat (86) policy , the link is below. Please distribute to others in your area, as appropriate. Please submit your comments to … Read more