2021 Student Leadership Symposium: Mobilizing Hope — Jan 5

Join us on January 5, 2021 from 9–9:45 am for a virtual keynote address from Cicely Belle Blain. Cicely Belle will discuss “Mobilizing Hope” at our 2021 Student Leadership Symposium. Open-to-everyone – REGISTER NOW: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/2021-student-leadership-symposium-mobilizing-hope-keynote-registration-132498878713 About this Online Session: Author, activist and anti-racist consultant Cicely Belle Blain shares their vision for a transformed future. Through … Read more

College of Arts — Career Chat Series — Mondays

College of Arts Career Chat Series — Latest line-up for December! FEATURED EVERY MONDAY ON OUR YOUTUBE AND SOCIAL CHANNELS! Stay tuned for our weekly Career Chat series, where we interview Career Influencers using a 10 x 10 format: 10 questions in 10 minutes. Our goal is to inspire students about the endless possibilities and … Read more

UFV Pension Basics — Dec 9

Learn more about your pension. Employees at UFV who are members of the College Pension Plan or the Municipal Pension Plan are invited to this workshop to learn more about their pension. The workshop will provide basic information on both pension plans, plan design, and options at retirement. Facilitator: Debbie Dyck Wed, Dec 9 12-1 … Read more

Ask Risk & Safety about COVID-19 and other topics — to Dec 16

UFV Risk & Safety will once again be hosting regular weekly Zoom sessions to answer questions on COVID-19 reporting and safety as well as any other risk and safety processes and protocols. Starting this Wednesday, and running every Wednesday until Dec 16, our team will host a Zoom call to share important information, update you … Read more

Q&A with the Provost and VP Academic — Dec 2

Do you have a question for the Provost and VP Academic? If so, please drop-in to an upcoming virtual Q&A session on Wed, Dec 2 (noon to 1 pm). Zoom: https://ufv-ca.zoom.us/j/66576891850?pwd=c1VUbkNYc2tkMjN6UVZQcXRpdldNZz09 No RSVP needed. For more information, contact Nicole Hitchens at nicole.hitchens@ufv.ca 12/02/2020

Caste, Diaspora and the Future: SASI Symposium — Dec 2

CASTE, DIASPORA AND THE FUTURE SASI Third Symposium The issue of caste has resurfaced as a determining marker of identity among the diasporic Indian community. It had always existed, albeit in obscure forms. However, in the recent decades it has taken a robust turn through cultural artefacts and rehashing of a caste pride in a … Read more

Adult Education minor info session — Nov 30

  Come explore the benefits of an Adult Education minor. Discover how an ADED minor will complement your major and your career goals. This session will cover: • Course requirements • Steps to take to declare • Other credentials in addition to the minor • Career options. Contact adulted@ufv.ca for your Zoom invitation or any … Read more

Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Times of Uncertainty — Nov 25

Though we are experiencing high levels of economic and technological uncertainty due to Covid-19, unique opportunities arise in periods of rapid change. Join Enactus UFV and the Esposito Family Centre for Innovation & Entrepreneurship (EFCIE) for a free public talk on Wed, Nov 25 (11 am) as Dr. Jon Thomas shares insights on the entrepreneurial … Read more

COVID-19: The Second Wave and Your Mental Health Workshop (free recorded webinar)

Description: With the arrival of fall, government and health officials at federal, provincial, and regional levels have started, and in many cases, enacted, planning to minimize the complications and difficulties we face with the onset of a second wave of COVID-19. Organizations have endured challenges throughout the past several months and will continue to be … Read more