Character Canada Conference — Oct 20

Character Canada is hosting its 2nd National Character Canada Conference at Abbotsford Senior Secondary School on October 20, 2017. And the non-profit group has thought long and hard about how to make this an event that electrifies the entire Fraser Valley, province, and country. After all, they’re putting on a conference that helps people explore … Read more

Future of Food: Food Systems and Food Security

Do you know where your food comes from? Ever thought about the changing dynamics of food production and consumption as we head into the global future? We invite you to participate in a conversation with experts in food systems and food security. Speakers include: Dr. Alex Awiti, Aga Khan University East Africa Institute, Nairobi. Dr. … Read more

Budrus: film screening — Oct 19

Budrus is an award-winning feature documentary film (Israel/Palestine/U.S.) about Palestinian community organizer, Ayed Morrar, who unites Palestinian political factions and invites Israeli supporters to join an unarmed movement to save his village of Budrus from destruction by Israel’s Separation Barrier. Success eludes them until his 15-year-old daughter, Iltezam, launches a women’s contingent that quickly moves … Read more

National Character Conference — Oct 20

We’re excited to invite you to join us on October 20, 2017 for the National Character Conference 2017 Conference Theme: ‘Make your Mark’ When we choose to lead with character, we will leave our ‘mark’ – a lasting impression on the word around us and the people we interact with. Join us for this one … Read more

Info Session – BC Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development

Learn about job opportunities from Rob Martin, Stewardship Officer for 100 Mile House Natural Resource District. Event details: Thurs, Oct 5 11:30 am–1:30 pm Abby A225 RSVP: Reserve your spot by emailing Drop-ins welcome!   For more information, contact Paige Vanderveen at 10/06/2017

Occupation 101: Voices of the Silenced Majority–film screening

A thought-provoking and powerful documentary film on the current and historical root causes of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Unlike any other film ever produced on the conflict — ‘Occupation 101’ presents a comprehensive analysis of the facts and hidden truths surrounding the never ending controversy and dispels many of its long-perceived myths and misconceptions. The film … Read more

Last chance to get tickets! Sales Careers Networking Breakfast — Oct 6

Don’t miss your chance to meet high-profile employers who are looking to hire UFV students for well-paying careers in professional selling and service. Come to the Sales Careers Networking Breakfast on Friday, Oct. 6 Evered Hall, Student Union Building, Abbotsford campus Space is limited. Get your tickets before Oct 3 at Meet recruiters, ask … Read more

Bookstore Customer Appreciation Day

We love our Customers! UFV Abbotsford Bookstore invites Students, Faculty, Staff, and Alumni to come and have some fun at Customer Appreciation Day! -Free Coffee & Popcorn begins at 9:00am -Fashion Show at 12pm & Talent Show at 2pm -Enter to win giveaways all day long -20-50% off clothing sale -Sample the menu from the … Read more