Parking fees increase May 1

After careful consideration, UFV Ancillary Services will be implementing an increase in campus parking rates. Effective May 1, 2022, the monthly employee parking fee will increase by $5 to $30 per month while daily rates will increase by $1. For those using payroll deductions, this change will update automatically. Student parking fees will also increase.

These rate changes will supply necessary resources to meet parking needs now and in the future, while offsetting increased operating costs, including: modernizing technology to allow credit card compliance; purchasing new parking meters; maintaining and repairing lots; snow removal; inflationary costs on services and insurance; added parking capacity at Building 1041 in Chilliwack; and a new online permit registration system replacing physical hang tags with license plate recognition technology.

Revenue from pay parking supports initiatives across the university, repays the capital cost of parking lots, and provides Ancillary Services with funding to contribute to UFV’s sustainability goals through a comprehensive Transportation Demand Management Strategy. UFV’s employee parking rates are competitive with other post-secondary institutions in B.C. and have not changed since 2008. If you have any questions, please contact