UFV receives high marks on Quality Assurance Audit

By Sumitra Robertson

Every public post-secondary institution in British Columbia is reviewed in an external Quality Assurance Process Audit (QAPA) every seven years. A QAPA is overseen by a standing committee of the Degree Quality Assessment Board (DQAB) in the BC Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Training. It is designed to ensure public universities follow thoughtful, ongoing, quality assessments of all programming.

UFV began this examination in the midst of the pandemic in 2020. The year-long process, which included a self-assessment, multiple days of interviews with third-party assessors, an external analysis report, and a follow-up action plan from UFV, is now complete. UFV passed this rigorous examination with flying colours. In a letter of completion, the Degree Quality Assessment Board commended UFV on its quality assurance practices.

A summary of UFV’s QAPA process is available for review on the UFV website.

“This process could not have happened without the dedicated and persistent steering of Dr. Bruce Kirkley, the former associate director of program development and quality assurance,” notes UFV Provost James Mandigo. “He coordinated the participation of a large number of UFV staff and administrators in their contributions to this success.”

Although UFV is not required to submit any interim progress reports, Mandigo notes that the work is not over.

“The multi-faceted suggestions emerging from this process are now percolating into UFV’s higher-level quality assurance activities and evolving the way we improve and develop our current student programs and courses.”

First related article published in February 2021:
