Open Education Faculty Fellows (OEFF) program awardees announced

In the Fall 2020, a competition was launched for the new Open Education Faculty Fellows project funded by BC Campus and the UFV Office of the Provost and Vice President Academic. The OEFF program has now completed the adjudication process and we are pleased to announce the inaugural awardees. Overall, six proposals were received from across the university. The following three proposals were selected for funding:

  • Dr. Luisa Giles, School of Kinesiology: Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) and Indigenization in Nutrition: Improving a nutrition OER for undergraduate students.
  • Dr. Kseniya Garaschuk, Department of Mathematics and Statistics: Calculus I and II for Life Sciences Coursepack.
  • Dr. Shaun Sun, Department of Mathematics and Statistics: Web-based Statistical software application for Statistics Education and Statistical analysis.

Each of these projects will be supported by a Student Open Education Assistant.
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For more information about the OEFF program, please contact:
Martin Warkentin, Copyright and Open Education Librarian —
Claire Hay, Teaching and Learning Specialist —

