Got something to say? — Consider running for Board or Senate positions

Calling for student nominations! Join the Senate and Board of Governors and have a voice in UFV Governance. Nominations are open for the following student positions:
– 2 student positions on the Board of Governors
– 4 student positions on the Senate
Terms of office are one year, from August 1, 2020 to July 31, 2021.

Why join?
– Develop your leadership skills, be involved in decision-making, and network with other university and community leaders.
– Be eligible for co-curricular credit (CCR) and receive priority registration.

Are you eligible?
To be eligible, you must be:
– A UFV student registered in at least one credit course
– In good academic standing, as defined by the University Continuance policy
– For the Board, be members of the Student Union Society, which means you have paid SUS fees.

How do you apply?
Submit a completed form available here:, to, or in-person to Lisa Boldt in the Secretariat office: B303j, Abbotsford campus. The deadline is 9 am, February 3, 2020.

What are the roles of the Board and Senate?
– The Board of Governors is responsible for the management, administration, and control of the property, revenue, business, and affairs of the university.
– Senate is the academic governing body at UFV that is responsible for managing policies concerning academic matters and advising the Board on policies of mutual interest.



For more information, contact Lisa Boldt at
