Helping Students Lead a Balanced Life — Nov 1

Helping Students Lead a Balanced Life
Are you feeling stressed? Pretty silly question to ask a student; stress is a given, especially this time of year, smack dab in the middle of the semester, dealing with midterms, projects, presentations and papers. On top of this, you are probably dealing with work, and other family and/or life obligations, trying to balance all of this while keeping your head above water. We understand this, and want to offer you some tips and information to help you get through all of this. Fellow students from the Business program will be holding an information session on Nov 1, from 12–2 pm in the Library Rotunda. Come on out, get helpful information, and take an interactive quiz that will let you know just how well you are doing leading a balanced life, and where can you improve. Prizes and treats will be given away!! Hope to see you there! Come and support your fellow UFV students!

Thurs, Nov 1
Noon-2 pm
Library Rotunda

For more information, contact Tara Rozenek at
