Student panelists and MCs needed for supporters orientation in June

This is your chance to shine and gain public speaking experience. We’re looking for students to speak at upcoming events. Prior public speaking experience is an asset but NOT a requirement for either of the following opportunities:

Student MC:
Two student MCs are needed for the upcoming Supporters Orientation (in June) and New Student Orientation (in August) events. You will be provided with training and further details.

Student Panelist:
UFV Supporters Orientation is an opportunity for parents, partners, guardians, and family members of UFV students to learn more about UFV and ways to support their student. The student panelist would speak for a maximum of 5 minutes about how they were supported by their family members/parents/partner during their time at UFV.

Email or call 604.557 if you’re interested and/or would like further information for either of the above opportunities.

*CCR credit available*

For more information, contact Sidrah Ahmad at
