Integrating Activities that Gauge What & How Well Students Learn – Online Seminar

You can probably find a lot of courses these days on how to be a more effective teacher—but not so many on how to assess that effectiveness. To ensure your teaching strategies work the way they should, you need to understand both.

Here is some of what you’ll learn during this practical online seminar:

  • A new approach to teaching that integrates active learning and assessment to create a more unified process
  • Classroom activities you can implement to get students more invested in the class and more motivated to learn
  • Innovative ideas for incorporating learning assessment techniques into your online or face-to-face courses
  • How to gather credible evidence of what students are learning and use it to report results to students and other interested parties
  • How to adapt learning assessment techniques from this seminar to your own courses

One-hour online seminar by Magna Publications.

Facilitator:  Elizabeth F. Barkley, PhD
Room:  A360 (online seminar)

To register, email